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Misfits Public Relations

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Everything posted by Misfits Public Relations

  1.   Rage massed up a strong 55 Bears for our 4th of July FREEDOM trip. Apex, pulling in the upper 40s, and the only clan near our pull, was dodging for a fight for a while, only fighting back north of mossies once 25 mains in FO capes logged in to aid them, we began the 2v1 and had multiple fights at GDZ, going heavily up opts before FO mains came to aid Apex. 4 Fights, 4 wins: After winning 4x against Apex+Mains, we asked for a fight in CWA matched with no mains, to keep things clean: We teleported back up, only to have Apex rush us in singles in P2P (CLEARLY THEY DIDN'T LIKE THE IDEA OF A MATCHED, NO MAINS F2P FIGHT!). We quickly moved to multi and dominated them for the next hour. Once Zenith ended, Nox rushed to their PMs and Zenith mass poked the loc to come help. With Rage still at a +15 in-game despite 2v1ing, we called the tele out satisfied with our dominance.
  2.   We got word that Zenith was massing for a rev PK around Midnight EST. We quickly gathered 25, later peaking at 40, for a rev domination trip. We cleared Zenith x4 (including a GWAS!) and ended their trip. We also beat around Apex a bit and owned a 2v1 Z/A vs Rage cluster. Thanks for the action, everyone. v
  3. We offered any date, and Rage chose the server due to our wins during that month, #1 chooses the server. Your leadership was fucking terrified at the thought of a matched fight after relying on SV mains and +opts for so long.
  4. You can talk shit on sharkbrew all you want, but we all know there's a reason your clan only wants to fight on weekends when you have +30 or on midweeks with SV/Fasan in your CC. Any talk of CWA/Matched fights and your clan cowers. This is twice now that sharkbrew had to force a prep time for a MAJOR event/tournament because your leadership refused to fight us. Anyone with a brain can put two and two together. You priority numbers/spams/suicide returning (and ur not even the best at that, Zenith outpull u by 40), we prioritize quality and winning. That's why we have 2-4 prep wins a week and you touch clanwars once every few months only to die to apex (the only clan you cwa, for some reason).
  5.   Rage massed up a strong 40 bears for a F2P prep vs Final Ownage for May COTM (after they avoided scheduling for over 1 month) The prep was scheduled by Sharkbrew at Thursday 6PM EST. Rage showed up only to find FOE was doing 9v9 P2P inners instead of fighting us 40v40, despite having their whole rank team online. Thanks for the 90M Donation and Signature, FO! Hopefully those inners help improve your very poor matched game that's causing you to avoid! Afterwards, we did a nice drop party with our 90m PRIZE!
  6.   After clearing their small man revs PK, fo decided to mass highlight/poke/spam to try to take down our GMT revs trip. We PM'd their ranks our world and defended for over 20 minutes until fo finally rushed. What we didn't know, however, was during that time they were getting in a merged cc with SV. We started, and ended, the fight 2v1, getting 3 full clears on the Anti-Rage alliance. I'd say it was hard, but hey, there's a reason fo avoid any matched fight like the plague. oh, and btw
  7. After FOE has dodged organizing the COTM prep for MAY (it's july) for over 1 month while offering fo any date/time (including weekends), Slushpuppy finally setup the date for this Thursday (tomorrow) at 6PM EST. The fight will be 3 rounds, F2P, 1 def cap, matched, knockout. Who will win? Will FOE even show up? Vote in the poll above.
  8. Singles trip & no multi action for you, clean 2-0 fight for me.
  9.   Shortly after our trip on Saturday, we organized a quick F2P CWA vs Valor. We outpulled them by a decent bit, so we decided to cap the fight at 30 and we fought at Valor's portal. We took the strong 2-0 win after a hard fought battle. Thanks for the fight, Valor. Win Rage Kills: 100 Valor Kills: 87 Win Rage Kills: 100 Valor Kills: 83
  10.   Rage massed up a strong 65 strong 25Def Bears in Black Mystics for our weekly P2P Sunday Trip. While not being the highest pulling clan today, we most certainly did the most damage, dominating clusters and GWASing Z/FO and Bandits/Corp respectively. We had an amazing trip with nonstop action for over 2 hours and even managed to grab a TSOTD in the process.
  11. any time day or night, if there's any clan or even one man at gdz, @Rag Setswill be there
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