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BL iTz

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Posts posted by BL iTz

  1. im not in doom and it was ur ranks constantly making topics lmfao u got fucked now ur trying to even deny a rivalry holy waste product LOL

    Well yeah, we have to respond to their topics with topics lmfao


    Did they ever declare a rivalry? No, therefore there was never a rivalry. Just weird obsessions from Doom.


    Like who keeps bringing up a loss for weeks that isn't even being denied. holy waste product LOL

  2. We had mains in our capes sniping us lol.



    "doom doesn't bring mains"

    More then likely FS camping you like they do with everyone else. They get rockmen to do it so clans have to pay them like 50m to stay off which pays for FS edge returns and return sets.


    With our new TS leak of FS, it's prob true considering they openly admitted it, this is word for word btw, 'envy is useless, there running away and leaving us, just keep the tanks in there capes hitting them'


    Fs? or did you mean Doom ts?

  3. Thank you for confirming that you intend on bringing invites.

    My reply was a question. Let me clarify myself.


    You're assuming that we're bringing invites just because we're an lpc clan who doesn't bring 80-88 cbs during midweeks/weekends, but obviously we have mpc accs ready for 80-88 preps/minis.


    Thank you for confirming that you lack brain cells

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