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Koed Beastly

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Status Updates posted by Koed Beastly

  1. Doom flames FS -> FS almost closed Doom, Doom flames CD -> CD FLAMES Doom -> no aftermath topics... Can u see the trend? :)

  2. query [M]Brandon for your LPC locations! Paying 25m today!

  3. #Foreigners carry! Woox 4 infernal cape

  4. Starving clans from clanwars was / is a giant problem for quite some months. This now evolved into the acceptance of preps just to cancel less then 10 minutes prior to chall. Sad to see that clan's leadership take such decisions. Expected more from your leaders, Supremacy.

  5. Congratulations on your win UB!

  6. Releasing Questing Services soon! :) 

  7. Heya bears from Rage! Join The Hive at misfits-rs ! We have plenty of honey ;-)

  8. FI desputing a prep that didnt even took place LMFAO. I agree pure scene is /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

  9. The last time Doom used this amount of mains their founder closed them. Got reopened by the leaders and closed again in

  10. PM ME 2 LEAK YOUR CLANS LOC! (Except Doom cuz we have them big time)

  11. Daily reminder that the pure community is thriving and doing well! I love this united scene :)

  12. PM ME 2 LEAK YOUR CLANS LOC! (Except Doom cuz we have them big time)

  13. Query [M]Brandon to leak LPC locations - ez $$$ for 2 trips

  14. The pure scene would be soo much more fun if clans kept their fucking main friends and main accounts at home. Dont fuck yourself over for ruining the LPC community @Doom. Stay respectfull or youll get punished by every other clan in the bracket.

  15. Ah yes the people complaining that the site looks like absolute crap are the persons that didnt like a thing about the previous version. Instead of complaining on how it looks absolute sh*t, try to tell us what you would like to change. People lack imagination and the ability to formulate constructive criticism. Feel free to PM any moderator in order to apply changes to the brew!


  17. Paying 40M per leak in Doom! Earn money from that clan now you still can!

  18. TOP 3 of the COTM Ladder at this moment: #1 Supremacy #2 Apex #3 Final Ownage Elite. Keep fighting for that #1 spot to earn 15m and DOPE GfX made by @Lenin

  19. Paying 40M per leak in Doom! Earn money from that clan now you still can!

  20. Paying Big time for leaks this weekend! = Paying 30m+ for a dome leak! Get your free gp!

  21. Query [M]Brandon in IRC to leak your LPC's location. Make Bank!

  22. Query [M]Brandon to leak your locs this sunday, paying loads!

  23. Releasing questing services soon! Cheapest service around :) 

  24. Are you okay Dome? Gonna kick your founder out when he closes you like in the HPC PRE-CLOSURE days? lmfao

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