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Koed Beastly

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Posts posted by Koed Beastly

  1. 18 minutes ago, Simpler said:

    Clans have cheated in the past and have either created or gone through loop holes plenty of times because they know they only have to do whatever is needed to place second to the get a fight with the actual legitament winner.

    If you participated in an event and you won by the tiniest of margins would you be okay not accepting your first place reward so the person in second could have another shot at your spot on the top even though you deserved the win and earned it?

    I’ve never liked the tie breaker and the only time it should come down to a tie breaker is if clans actually end up on the same points come end of the month. 

    You know that's in the rules from day 1, meaning you can prevent this kind of situation.

    If you 'won' by the tiniest margins it either means you didnt put in enough effort, you got starved from getting your points up and/or  other clans all allied to boost the clan being placed 2nd. 


    I'm neutral towards the tiebreaker. :P 

    If ambassadors would complain about it I would be open for change. 

    I had a topic to review the first month of it and got very little responce to it.

    It's not my place to take decisions single handedly ;)

    Clans have to come to me / COTM team and say  (with reasoning) I want to change A, B, C & D (+ find other clans who think likewise, because it's all about finding common ground). By simply stating 'the system is broken' just to go MIA when asking for reasonings, you are either 1. A troll or 2. Not mature or 3. Not commited enough.


  2. 3 hours ago, Simpler said:

    @slushpuppeh only thing you need to do for Cotm is take away the bullshit of if you win and it’s the clan in second is ‘x’ amount of points behind then it becomes a tie breaker. 

    The only time there should be a tie breaker is if clans finish on the exact same amount of points. 

    If you are in front at the end of moment regardless of the point difference then you win it’s simple.


    I don’t blame clans for pulling out because there’s hardly ever a month that doesn’t have drama, cheating or complications and to top it off if you finish first but don’t clear the second place by enough points then you’re forced to fight for the top spot which you’ve already achieved. 

    Drama mainly caused by the clans themselfs.

    Cheating is impossible because the rules are soo strict people complain they dont understand them. It's not my teams' fault that some people can't take 15 minutes of time to thorougly read the rules instead of flaming us for being biased and ordering things to favor clan x in disadvantage of clan Y.

    The tie-breaker has been formed to give clans with a lower position on the ladder a motivation to knock down the 2'nd highest ranking clan, when the difference between 1'st and 2'nd is huge and 2'th and follower ups is minor. Although I can somewhat relate this can be removed, I think it's the only reason why clans who don't really do effort to gain points, will put in effort when they see the opportunity.

    Also: the latest tiebreaker caused alot of hype in the community, which was a nice thing to see.

  3. On 28-5-2018 at 4:36 PM, Down Opts said:

    I would cry tears of joy if it were to be implemented... Last time it failed to pass with over 70% 'Yes' vote.. so unfortunately I dont see it ever passing until Jagex lowers the poll pass percentage


    On 28-5-2018 at 6:12 PM, Albania said:

    missing old w32 and w57 rn


  4. Best of luck Supremacy and Final ownage Elite!

    Considering you two meet once again, shall I conclude these two clans are the best clans?

    Seems like there is no competition going on and the rival clans are being awkwardly quiet.

  5. Dont see the issue tbh, make TB available for f2p just like pre-eoc. 


    The pking community would greatly support it. 

    The only reason why these kinds of updates never make it through is because they dont poll it at the specific groups who benefit / are affected from it.

    If you would make a poll about changing the  wilderness into a non pk zone, it would pass...


    It’s a distorted situation really.

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