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Posts posted by Complexlty

  1. Being a Council is SF, I am very excited for Control and the life he will now pursue.  It is also nice knowing that no other LPC were the ones that made Control make this decision (no clan was even close to making SF close).  It is so funny how you Sharkbrew warriors think you are so great and single handedly closed SF, when realistically you guys are toxic and live the same lifestyle, yet flame Control for living his.  Try growing up, get your head out of your ass, and respect an important decision that he made. Peace out, can't wait to get responses from some of you ignorant kids.

  2. Whoever's vidding did a nice job of looting them sharks right off the ground, very impressive content. Tanked 10+ members while trying to smite me, UB got bullied out of HPC, now they'll push hard to loot glories off of the ground trying to build depleted p2p return sets.

  3. Been a rank in SF for a bit now and can honestly say it's been a hell of a ride. We have talked about going to xlpc since the day we opened.  Encouraging members to push hard for 30 combat in order to get green d'hide chaps, etc.  Hoping to compete with other HPC clans that had to step down due to lack of ability to compete.  Can't wait for our official F2P xlpc trip that will be coming up in the near future. Expecting 6-10 members to show up on our first official. #SF

  4. Very tough decision for sure.  Can't fucking wait to be lvl 3 again. going to go straight for 5 def and start training up.  Most likely will stay at 20 attack for mith scim as it is, in my opinion, one of the strongest weapons in the game.  Would like to see SF excel in the xlpc scene and pull 20+ members of 20-50 combat. Let's GOOOOO!!!

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