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Status Updates posted by NETWORK

  1. Sovereign broke eop in a fullout

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. NETWORK


      Lol yes a join.me and full rune like last saturday


      I love u btw lol

    3. 2 ponytails irl

      2 ponytails irl

      eop having 90 mains so good luck with ur 7 man snipe unit lmfao

    4. NETWORK


      Isn't it the reason why eop have no saturday aftermath though?



  2. These xlpc ranks keep pming to leak lol topic up soon

    1. Outburst Warrior
    2. PICwarior381


      Stop trying to be relevant you ignorant fuck

  3. Lmao, Just 1v2'd EOP+OB at GDZ. NETWORK BABY.

  4. Imagine being in nw and wearing full adamant/rune

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