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Posts posted by roflcats

  1. Maybe if all you hpcs that went down to lpc times would stop bringing mains.





    Are they not your mains?


    Not to mention CP promoting sv



    Mains are 100x worse than p2p and there would be more of them.


    Dangerous clan wars, make it happen some1

  2. Lmfao just watched the video and 1/4 of the guys arent even in zu. Rofl jsut wait till you get slammed in the wilderness by masser clans like cv l0l!

    We had 2 clan friends, being Divine and Franco.  Franco has been zu the past 5 months, along with divine (divine being an ex rank)


    To you retards saying 'lmfao aren't an lpc': zu has been an mpc the past 2 months.

  3. Do you even know what lpc, mpc, and hpc stands for?




    Zu has one person above 95 combat.


    Mpcs in 2009-2010 had 10-15 people above 100 combat.  For example, carnage, DV, CPR, IR, etc


    Your logic is horrible


    Plus, who the fuck cares about labels


    You should stop posting on this website, you are 2 new for my liking

  4. im kinda done with your flaming man..

    we were just better this weekend, get over it and better luck next week ;)

    and i got to thank you for keeping our topics bumped :D


    Zu pulled 30 both days without teaming (we pulled 30 the week before with multi clanners)



    How is your clan better exactly?


    Because you teamed?


    1v1 any day, any time


    prep us pussies

  5. it was 5:45 EST when we fought...(10:45 GMT)


    Nobody is going to stay up for a 15v15 prep if they don't want to...I didn't expect all your Aussies to wake up at 6 am or whatever they are to come fight either.  You only pulled 18 we pulled 15...big fuckin' deal hero.  We used to sit 10+ and had no complaints.

    IRC Nick:[Hi]Kyle
  6. Who cares if ur clan is Aussie based change ur fucking timings if u can't compete and vid shows u getting cleared at bandits so suck a fucking dixk

    You were losing 2 fights and won 1.


    Your clan has been irrelevant for 2 months


    You can't win anything matched


    your ranks lie to you about us not accepting 95 combat preps (we ask all the time)


    Zu will always be superior to you haha


    The only time sup can even put up a fight is with a +5.  Not to mention your 10 clan friends


    But i'm sure your ranks already "told you" we have 15325235 invites and a bunch of mains because that's totally true!

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