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Posts posted by Brad

  1. The scenes are what we as a community make them to be, so probably yes. If we want them to change then we have to change what we do as a community.


    The true lpc scene use to help a bit but now the leaders at that level wants to be like the high level clans and act just like them. Which is the problem with the current "xlpc" scene or whatever we call it now.

  2. I don't hate you but your clan literally. 

    All the relevant clans moved up. what you doing ? following or closing? 


    Why does it matter to you? Let them do whatever they want to do, let's not forget when Rage opened there was no "relevant" clans in the lpc and you guys made it work to get off of your feet so let them do the same. Maybe more clans will open for them to fight.

  3. Easier said than done. You make a lot of claims about these 'randomers', who are you?


    I have been leading clans since 2007. Led two successful clans in the modern era sorry that you're a newbundle of twigs and wouldn't know them lol Ascent and Outbreak. I made a lpc scene before you were even in the pure community. I have brought more people into this community then you even have on your friend list. 


    BTW who are you and is rage your first clan?

  4. hey man prophecy was a threat


     Like I told you the other day if Allen or I really wanted to close you then we would have. We have closed a lot better clans then you. You're a random lol that cares way too much about sharkbrew and runescape.


    The prophecy joke is getting old.

  5. Almost everyone in slaughter has an lpc/mpc account. Just look at their preps on mpc accounts when they were still lpc. + earlier this week dannypool said " We ain't going out because want to give our members time to train ". Like 1 hour on saturday is gonna make the difference.


    When you have school, job, and a life then every hour counts. Rage isn't worth their time time anymore, you guys would never fight them before but now you want to fight them?

  6. I ment yesterday/2 days ago :)


    They're training to be a mpc and move on to better things. I don't get why you guys don't understand that. They are doing what a successful clan would do. If they came out on their current accounts(mpc ones), you would stay in low level wild so they couldn't attack you and you kill their low level guys and say you cleared them. We know how clanning works.





    Bro Ascent did more in it's time then Rage will ever do. Don't try to flame Ascent when you're in Rage you guys have done absolutely nothing at all in this community to try and flame anyone. Rage is just a propaganda clan straight up. If you want to flame Ascent then man up and do what we would do which is fight anyone that wanted a fight instead of just trying to hide the fact you fucking suck.

  8. What hurts the scene is that these clans train up way too fast. The scene started 3~ months ago and it already at the high 60s and that isn't going to work at all. Another big problem with the clans is there isn't one clan that is fully focused on the lpc scene everyone is in other clans. Only thing that matters to clans now is winning by any means they don't care about having fun. They level up and mass up out of the community to win fights and that isn't how lpcs are suppose to be, lpcs are suppose to bring new kids into the community. Right now all lpcs care about massing up 70  people  and going out on weekends and it's hard for any new lpc to open. The leaders of the lpcs are more worried about making topics on here to boost their clan up and scared to lose fights. For the lpc scene to be healthy and stable you'll need leaders that are selfless and care about building up the scene from the bottom. No offence but the scene was started by tomatos this time.

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