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    itsAnt reacted to puppyslush in Florida Mass Shooting & Gun Control   
    One of the problems with some gunowners is the lack of respect for the firearm they own. It is just too easy to purchase weapons and own ammunition in the US. Even in a controlled environment like the military, soldiers are put through the many paces to ensure they can handle their weapon properly. Even pointing an unloaded weapon all over the place will get you a verbal lashing from your Sgt.
    The gun is a hateful and very powerful weapon, and it should be treated with great reverence for the damage it can do.
    Take for example, the NRA was originally founded to ensure so that USA has a trained militia to repel enemies(2nd amenendment), to ensure a free state. Not unhinged gun ownership. Take a look at a quote here:
    Fast forward today, the heads of the NRA consist of hypocritical money grabbing cretins who politicize every gun control measure, host fairs to continue pushing firearms into the hands of untrained individuals. They twist the words of the 2nd amendment for their own selfish gain, and it is my personal opinion that if these individuals were ever caught in a mass shooting, they would roll over and cry:

    Of course with the money they swiped from the NRA coffers, they would never be caught in a mass shooting while in bulletproof suburban and residing in one of the safest places in the country. Will the NRA spend more money training their users how to properly use and respect their weapons? No. But they will spend hundreds of millions lobbying political candidates.
    For those who believe in NRA's rhetoric, ask yourself whether they themselves are true believers.
    Regardless, yes there is a place for personal defence, but it has to be based on common sense. Not fear, not emotions.
    Then again, what is the government for if you need to ensure your OWN safety with a high powered weapon? At the end, I guess the government can take the savings from giving your town a decent police, and throw it into a new war in the middle east.
  2. Good
    itsAnt reacted to Andy in Florida Mass Shooting & Gun Control   
    Nope, it's a huge problem without Chicago also, Jacksonville merely represented the 234th mass shooting in 2018 (sourced by data from the gun violence archive). Here is how these shootings appear over a national map.

    There have been 4 cases of grenade involved incidents in Sweden in 2018. 7th January, 21st January, 8th February and a more recent one in August. These are very sad incidents, 1 being completely gang crime related while two involving gangs but also innocent parties, the 4th was an innocent bystander picking up a grenade off the side of the road. What's worrying is how this is being equated to the issue in America. Going by any math these things do not equate.
    Unsure if that is true or not, I don't exactly watch American media so I can't exactly testify against that statement, however it appears to be more notion of one's own beliefs, as shown already by the earlier points made in your statement.
    And now we go off the deep end. Gun ownership does not exist as a hedge against a tyrannical government. If the US government ever decided to impose martial law, take rights away from its citizens and become an autocratic dictatorship, do you think old Jeff from Texas on his porchway with his AR15 is going to do a God damn thing when Uncle Sam comes knocking? Gun ownership exists in America because it is enshrined in the constitution. What many people always, either through willful stupidity or willful ignorance forget is the promise of a WELL REGULATED militia, being necessary to the security of a free state. Even from the left I don't really see many people calling for people's guns to be taken away, rather gun control to be put in place so you cannot get access to a weapon of war, rather than a weapon of defence. You do not need to put 60 bullets into an intruder for safety. I also don't see any Gun rights advocates calling for the right to bear nukes
    That's why lack of action merely allows the state of the issue to worsen, we saw action after the Port Arthur Massacre of `96 in Australia and the Dunblane Massacre of `96 in the UK, both enacted rather strict Gun control laws and statistical data showed it made a difference. I'm not proposing America should instantly adopt the exact same laws, but ignorance of the situation merely leads to a worse situation arising (ignorance of the situation by congress).
    No the person shooting the weapon (unsure of the event just taking your word for it) is the one doing the saving, and picking individual cases rather than looking at statistical data never gives an accurate representation of society. 
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