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Posts posted by OneTwo123

  1. This is so annoying no matter what clan I am in unless we're doing clan wars they will always pretend they won the f2p saturdays and p2p sunday trips. This is even evident in the the recent supremacy leak where the leader literally says "We Won We Won" when clearly they got smacked, in the Foe discord they will spam "We won we won" while i am in IR and we will say we won with no definitive fucking winner ever. Every clan just lies, and it's really hard to tell who won the fight for the average person since it's hectic as fuck. Too much shit going on, and all the returns makes it even worse to decide who won...

    Is every clan like this?? just people denying reality to keep their members? shits ridiculous. 

    at this point I might as well join any clan since we're all fucking winners. smh

  2. I've been around for years in the clanning community, and this was by far the most pathetic and saddest attempt in pvp I have ever seen. We're not the best clan around. First round we lost, and i'll gladly admit that. Second round fatality starting bringing mains, and started resorting to spec tabbing. The entire fight they would house teleport refill their spec and come back to the fight. As a 10 year old clan this is embarrassing, and the video proof of this I hope will prevent any respectable clans from associating with this garbage. We used to have so much respect for this clan for being around, and housing some good players but after this non-sense not a single person in the discord has any sort of respect for this clan. For any future clans who are fighting fatality my suggestion is to avoid fighting them in chaos altar, and only fight them in clan wars, if you go to GDZ they will bring mains. Best of luck, we will be avoiding this non-sense in the future. 

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