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Everything posted by rob

  1. This quickly turned into a 2v1. Against all odds, we ended up giving both clans the dick, sending Supremacy and Zerg Unit back to singles. L0L0L0L0L0L0L0L0L0L0L0L0L ALL RD AND SUPREMACY DO IS TEAM. SETTLE DOWN KID U 2V1'ED ZU AND GOT OWNED.
  2. question: what is ascent's new LPC (ascent v2) called?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hanuman


      i think they might be joining the coalition of retards aka rd+s

    3. rob


      @Persian Tom Yes there is. I guess you are misinformed.

    4. Persian Tom
  3. gj remedy..... #1 f2p/p2p matched
  4. hard work pays off #CONVICTION
  5. I'm surprised Sith closed dr today that was ealier than expected LOl

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. rob


      Lots of rumors

    3. Kuru San

      Kuru San

      rob you're bad at the game r0f you msut be from zu

    4. B0Y
  6. An Anonymous Conviction Member's Perspective: What I learned today... 1. Zerg Unit hands down destroyed Conviction/Every clan when outnumbered. 2. ZU's leaderboards were leaked by my clan leaders... no one in the pure community showed any reaction of care however. (If anything, I believe CV should copy ZU's leaderboards so our clan doesn't get slapped as hard. Maybe we could learn something.) I won't be referring to it as "our" clan anymore however, as I'm leaving Conviction for a new clan. Outnumbering everyone else by at least 15-20 and losing every round? It's ridiculous what little experience the leaders/members have. Thanks for the introduction to the community, but I must now find a clan worth fighting for.. a clan of expertise.
  7. Your attention-needy topics are going downhill.
  8. is that u in ur profile picture?
  9. rob

    Who would win?

    lowkey vs persian tom
  10. rob

    Who would win?

    Match up two players from Runescape in a matched IRL battle. Can be from the clan community, or simply well known players. Pick the player who would win from the IRL match the person before you states, then make up a match of your own for the next person to answer! Be civil LowKey vs. Dude?
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