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Posts posted by isfox

  1. what a fucking trip. Divine clan sieze it all; honestly we had a blast. we controlled everything in our path and we even had a few three ways. It was beautiful. I mean what a phenomenal weekend. Divine walking all opening and current dominating clans through the wilderness, strait to singles. I mean, let's go xlpc; Divine is here to show the way. This composition clan is here to show NRG and IMT that they are not alone in anything they try to do; massing, regrouping. Idk retards, essentially; realize that DIVINE is number one.

    -with gratitude


  2. Divine, gods of XLPC. Take notes and bring your looters Sharkbrew; Divine is leaving trails of rune scimitars, Addy arrows and bind runes riddled throughout the wilderness. It's time to pay your respects, the gods of XLPC are walking, breathing and wreaking havoc across Runescape. 




  3. Plan 2 close xL, its closing time, you'd better find someone to take you home because you can't stay here. This is what happens when you mass recruit every walking 41cb, you become the broadside of an ugly pink and blue barn. Keep showing up with your 80 members, they will trickle to us anyways after we show them that quality truly does outnumber quantity. 

  4. Welcome to 2019 everybody,

    Noxious comes back for a second day in a row with even more members. noxious has now created a pattern, a sequence, a frequency proving that we will come out strong, in quality and quantity. Defeating XL down 15+ ops while getting sniped afterwards. This is what osrs and sharkbrew communities have to look forward to. Clan Noxious #1. This is noxious 2019, and we welcome all capable challengers brave enough to the Wilderness and Clan Wars. 

    GL HF

  5. Yesterday was a prime example of how dedicated noxious core truly is. phenomenal recruitment skills, organization, communication and overall just fine leadership. This is a clan I can see myself being apart of for years; I love putting forth effort for a clan full of great players and people and noxious is it. Yesterday, not only did noxious come back from the brink of death, but we came out with our heads held high, confidents on fleek, skills and leadership sharper than our rune scimitars. I spent 3 weeks listening to ill informed clans talking about noxious be closed, noxious being dead, yet we step out into wilderness stronger than ever. I would be pissing my gaming chair if I were any other clan; don't pipe when you don't understand the reality of the situation. also I don't own a gaming chair. 

    prepare yourself osrs and sharkbrew, noxious has just woken back up. 

    ps. sorry, not the prettiest comment, I'm sober and just woke up.

  6. Hello, im fairly new to sharkbrew in terms of how much I've actually interacted on it. I have a few questions about how the site works. 

    First off, what are sharkbrew points, how do I earn them, what do I do with them.

    secondly, how do I react to posts, such as likeing a comment, poggering a comment, ect. 

    3rdly, how do I change my picture, to be a picture, and not an "I".

    4thly, are there any secrets or cool things that anyone reading this has to offer about sharkbrew?

    5thly, how old is this community


    thank you for looking over this, feel free to answer only 1 question or all 5. I may have follow up questions depending on your response. 


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