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NL Fargorn

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Posts posted by NL Fargorn

  1. NL.gif.090b0fc6c462597636a09e6ed7024854.gif

    Massed up tonight and headed out to the wilderness lookin' for some smoke. We quickly ran into VNG at vetion and fought them for about 10 mins before clearing them off of the map and taking an elder maul. A few worlds later we logged in under ZT and instantly cleared them taking a Toxic Staff & then smoking Override on the next world. After that we found Veng, engaging them and clearing them after about 10-15 minutes of fighting. After taking a ZGS off 2 randoms at 50 ports, we found PD at Glory Hill and engaged them for a few minutes before override starting camping north of gate. We quickly turned our sights north and cleared them out and decided to bank and get a proper 30 min cap vs PD. We then fought uninterrupted for 30 minutes, taking a blowpipe off them right at the end. We took our fall ins and called it a night. 

    GF all and TYFF





  2. The reality is, Runescape has been around for nearly 20 years, and the developers still don't understand the most unique and driving aspect of their game. It is almost like they forget that EOC killed RS3.

    Things jagex have always failed to realize;

    1. The ability to build an account with specific stats, and try and gain an advantage over the opposition is not unique to runescape. But the grind required to build those accounts is. Your PVPers are also your skillers and pvmers. They build numberous types of accounts for different niches, often investing even more time and resources than ironmemes or 200mers. Yet somehow they keep getting treated like they play a different game.
    2. Pkers build communities that form the heart of the game. You may not be a member of the big ones, you may be in a smaller community, you may just follow the drama... but chances are you are in a clan of one sort or another if you are a pvper. The competition between these groups fuels the game itself. If there is no competition, between these groups (or the building of friendships in the groups), people will eventually get bored of clicking on npc or rocks. Very few players have never heard of ROT, or have some knowledge about pvp memes. This alone keeps the game compelling and interesting. 
    3. When you lose the pvpers, you lose the pvmers. Nobody cares about your 200m RC xp to begin with.. but they especially dont care about it if they dont even play the game. Hitting an achievement means nothing if there is nobody else to appreciate it. 
    4. If you give pvpers the tools to enjoy the game, they will inherently "make their own fun". They will build groups and opposing groups, they will invent new tactics or strategies to give them the edge. Often, small tweeks to specific aspects of the game can completely change PVP. An area like the wilderness bosses or revs single-handedly changed the way the game was played. Foster their ability to function as teams (team lists, fix the cc issues as mentioned above) and fostering competition (deadman mode being an example) are very simple and easy ways of enabling pkers to continue to keep the game interesting. 
    5. The risk of losing items and the reward of gaining items in the most dangerous place in the game in irreplaceable. The wilderness should be the highest risk and the most rewarding area in the game. 
    6. (The more worlds you add the harder it is for clans and singles pkers to find each other btw, I know this is hard to believe)
    7. Level the playing field, any real multi clanner knows that the current platforms that exist are insanely strong. They highlight piles, they give freeze timers, they highlight enemy callers, they filter ground items. If you go into multi pvp on the vanilla client (like i did for the first 2k kills of my career after returning) you are actually at a huge disadvantage. You may not realize it yet, but you arn't even playing the same game. Jagex however lacks the capacity, understanding or desire or fix their own platform or control the ones in use. 
  3. NL.gif.e3210c12bf67fb868d64f24b92def130.

    Massed up NL gamers tonight starting deep at 50 ports hoping to find some good action for Monday night. First sign of it we ran into OAC, we outnumbered them a bit so we cleared them very quickly. Not long after that we ran into Cuckthroat with same numbers and surprisingly they stayed to fight. We were farming them from the beginning with lots of 1 bangs and some good clumps, gaining more and more as it went on. CT called Oac to camp our returners at GDZ and south of 50 ports, luckily hopping to return is ez so they were fairly unnoticed. We kept farming CT with them barely being on the map outnumbering them 2:1 until SV staggered in and ct stayed for probably 5 minutes with NL hitting both sv/ct until they left us to 1v1 SV. Gave SV the smoke for a good bit till ct staggered back in after a regroup, although this time they decided to stay south and hit returners with oac [LOL]. With CT coming back and Sv getting smoked RoT had massed up some goons and came into the fight, which brought oac/ct back in, and not long after that PD came up. Turning it into a good ole cluster fuck. Stayed for 20 mins or so then called the dip with sv/RoT having a combined numbers that doubled NL's

    From this point PD asked us to set up a quick scrap with them, to which we gladly accepted. Got a quick 5 min regroup and tele'd up to Ghost Hut giving Pd the world. Had a GREAT 20-25 min scrap with them getting some massive clumps, and Pd getting some good piles on our callers. We called it a night there having nearly 2 hours of non stop action and smoke.
















  4. NL.gif.e3210c12bf67fb868d64f24b92def130.


    Massed up the boys on this fine Friday evening to go out and look for some smoke. We started hopping deep and after clearing ZT and a few randoms we found CT at gdz. We engaged them equal opts and completely obliterated them for a little under an hour. They decided to call in about 20 FF in an attempt to save face but everyone knows that FF are a bunch of one bangs so it didn't turn out as planned. After that didn't work, CT's leak infested clan once again called ROT/SV with about 40 to come crash. We kept fighting everyone there but called it once we realized CT was completely cleared off the map.

    We moved to revs and after clearing a few more random teams, we found CT once again and engaged them. Once again they were completely decimated within 10 minutes. To nobody's surprise, they leaked the world to ROT once again. We fought vs ROT for a bit but called it once they doubled our opts. At this point PD asked us for a quick little 30 min cap and of course we agreed to it. NL and PD went back and fourth during the fight, each team getting good momentum at times but before the cap ended, a CT pvmer killing vet'ion scouted us and called his friends to come try to crash the fight. Ct rushed in with what looked like 10 people and proceeded to pathetically try to interrupt our fight. This was the most pathetic attempt at crashing I have ever witnessed. Not only did they lose an AGS, but they were completely cleared within 4 minutes. Since the cap was just about up, we just ended our night on the high note of fucking CT up multiple times.

    Gf to everyone we fought tonight, except CT you all suck dick and you already know its on sight on you fuckers lmao.







  5. NL.gif.e3210c12bf67fb868d64f24b92def130.

    Had a planned 30 min cap fight with VR on this fine Sunday. Massed up 26 strong NL warriors to fight at 5PM est. Tele'd up to 50 ports to defend and waited for them to rush us to start the fight. VR rushed in from the south with just about the same opts. NL piles started out strong as fuck and continued that way throughout the fight, maintaining control of the battlefield the entire 30 minutes . We caught VR in quite a few different barrage clumps to the point where they had to push south towards portal a couple of times. This was honestly one of the cleanest fights I have ever been in, no crashers in sight and hardly any looters at all. After the cap was up we fell in and took our endings.

    Hats off to VR, thanks for the good, clean, respectable action. Good fucking fight.

    Went to revs afterwards to fuck around and make some money.


  6. That is a big fucking scrap. AF looking strong AF.

    Would have liked to see a clear, ideally a fall in. And fewer REV on the map if you are going to claim 5 vs 1 (I don't think there are 5 anti-af clans total tbh)  Would rather see a truthful interpretation of what happened, rather than typical propaganda. I expect it from clans like jaja, sv, and Rot. But would hope that a clan that is confidently #1 wouldn't have to spew bullshit. Video to me looks more like ROT+SV+TS+ slaves vs REV, AF, JAJA, DF?, +some other alliance clans?. With AF confidently controlling the snapshots of the fight we are getting. 

  7. NL.gif.e3210c12bf67fb868d64f24b92def130.

    Deep wildy was dead as fuck tonight when we massed so we quickly made our way to rev caves on this Monday Night pk trip.

    We cleared a few randoms before running into Cuckthroat. Both Cuckthroat and NL had similar ops. We instantly engaged them with strong melee piles gaining an unstoppable momentum right off the bat. Within 3 minutes they were down to 10 ops in game, so our callers stopped finding piles and we just used in game spam to let them catch up, as we wanted the fight to last. Once they got enough people returned it was fuckin' on. We caught insane clumps on them consistently through the entire fight [see vids/pics below lmfao] while maintaining vicious melee piles. Several CT members got 1-banged on b-piles. Within 10 minutes we had them cleared off the map and took a fall in. After that we ran into CPK where we continued to farm mage experience. CPK was cleared within 5 minutes. We looted up and caught a regroup. Not long after CT decided to try us one more time, and the second fight went over the same as the first. They were once again, demolished in under 10 minutes. 

    After the second clear on CT, they ended and Christy called for a rank meeting. [l0l]

    I hope they won't be kicking any more innocent trial members!

































  8. NL.gif.e3210c12bf67fb868d64f24b92def130.

    Dragisx massed up a last minute trip on this fine Friday afternoon. Took about 3 seconds to realize deep was dead [fuck u jagex revitalize wildy] so we headed 2 caves. Not long in we found PD and you guessed it we engaged. Had a good fucking clean fight with them for like 1.5 hrs before SV decided to crash with like 12. They got gwassed upon arrival in a huge clump at east entrance to black drags. Whenever they had 10 more in game, we focused SV, otherwise we focused PD. We caught nasty fucking clumps on PD AND SV throughout maintaining 18+ in game for the whole fight. Then AF showed up to to clear SV. Cuckthroat had alil singles trip cuz they can't pull enough for multi and tried to camp entrance in a dd. Gotta admit, pretty high IQ play, they'd be insta wiped if they came multi.


























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