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Found 3 results

  1. Due to Ramadan a lot of Venom members had to miss out which gave us a smaller pull this weekend. Nonetheless we managed to get some clean action and have a enjoyable Sunday war. Venom decided to kick off the Sunday P2P Trip by setting up a fight vs Jumpshit, To what surprise they would only fight in a Non-PVP world at level 9 crying bout mains and meds. Grow the fuck up lmfao We pretty much chased Js/Sp around and had a tussle with Hydra before supremacy rushed in. Cya next weekend boys Fight 1: As per usual, slow starts due to every clan wanting to crash the first thing that happens so we waited for clans to start there crash war while we was setting up fights. JS decided to avoid which they thought they would be safe fighting in a safe world. We rushed them and pushed them to single instantly making the rest teleport out to edgeville. Next time grow some balls and fight if we have similar opts. Fight 2: We found Hydra and Sf battling it out in single, we was bored so we came and killed them all until we noticed hydra returning thru multi. We moved west from bandits and barraged everything until Supremacy rushed in. We tele'd out and got ready for the next fight. Fight 3: SF finally grew some balls and set up a 1 hour return fight north of the rev cave. This was an absolute farm as countless loots and +1s was claimed from these pooplords. We are grateful for the donations and action you've blessed us with. Same time next week cu there Dovah
  2. Forums | TeamSpeak | Discord We were super excited to punish clans for Easter Sunday, We massed up 40 Zenith Warriors and eventually peaked at 45 Zenith Members for our P2p Sunday. Our trip consisted of bullying Legacy & Fatality and having clean fights with Apex & Supremacy. Since Rage and Revenant had a combined 20, This trip was alot of fun and we had plenty of action. We setup a fight against Supremacy at west bandits down a couple opts, We rushed in and started focusing their south side. We did extremely well despite being down several, We transitioned through their south side and pulled east when we heard mains and meds were logging in from singles. Once Supremacy teleported out we followed them to the bank and thanked them for the fight. We heard Fatality was near boneyard we waited for them to login and logged in directly behind them, We started barraging them and caught them in massive clumps. Fatality tried to flee far northeast but we caught them ina 20 man GWAS and started blowing them up. We cleared the majority of Fatality up as they kept pushing east with Supremacy. Once we heard Rage was coming 5 minutes late, we hit the remaining FI and cleared them up and teleported to the bank. We setup a fight against Apex and rushed them at bandits, We wrapped on the south side and began focusing them on the lava. We began to transition through their south side and began pushing north. After about 10 minutes we heard meds were coming to hit so we quickly postioned and cleared the first wave, Once the first wave of Rev & Rage were cleared we went to the bank and thanked Apex for the fight. We logged into Chaos Altar and waited for Revenants Alliance, They thought they were safe.... They weren't. We heard they were rushing from the northeast and we quickly positioned and began the slaughter fest. We clumped them on their rush and than rushed on top of them and absolutely murdered their alliance. We pushed them far northeast to 26 hill, Smiting and Laughing at their broken broken members. The slaughter stopped at 26 hill, Where we caught a fall in and waited for the rerush... Rev never came. We moved back to CA and waited over 10+ minutes for Rage & Revenants regroup and rerush... They finally came from the east and got escorted out within 35 seconds. We barraged them and started to farm them, Rage called a teleport and Revenant died to us again. We cleared them for the 3rd time and caught another fall in waiting for the rerush... It never came. 2 For 1 Hit... We logged in east of Fatality and started ramboing through them. Fatality's terrible leadership thought they could push east on top of us. We began to rambo through them and absolutely murder Fatality. They were gasping on to boneyard waiting for LY to rush. Meanwhile we had killed half their clan. We pushed south on Legacy who instantly teleported to corp for a regroup. We continued onto corp and caught LY coming out of corp. We blew them up and forced 20 of them into singles while 30 of them died. We laughed listening to their TS as we caught them in the second biggest GWAS of the day, Next to FI's!. We cleared up the Rev mains who rushed desperately trying to stay relevant and went to CA and caught another fall in in multi. Dogshit & Dogwater were spread at GDZ in 1 item spamming come rush us, They thought we wouldn't rush and they could take some embarrassing spam pics like yesterday. Fel was dead wrong, We came from the east and instantly started blowing up Rev & Rage's Alliance. Within seconds they were dead and broken and gone. We laughed, We spammed and we walked back east in a fall in to 50 ports and ported down.
  3. What started as a 12 man New Slayer Cave trip turned into a 22 man Peak D Bow rushing trip. We lured many mains into multi and caught many retards hopping in multi. What a bunch of retards Gz OG
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