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the truth


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the truth is, I have rethought the idea of making a real oldschool clan due to the amount of newbundle of twigss it would have to come with. Me/goop/franco/wow2many and a few others were trying to found it, but they agreed we are to old to try to make this work and they wanted to just stay retired in their clans. Looks like the newbundle of twigss have taken over. Masser clans will prevail.



I will start from this point on evaluating every clan as equal due to cp having random ass people as leader now, eop seems like they only do p2p loot trips, foe is lead by some guy in whatever newbundle of twigs clan zenith is, and who knows what fi is doing.... sad these clans have turned into newbundle of twigs brown sticky stuff clans.




So my unbiased evals will start soon.



The Truth is if you want to be successful you need to do these things:

1. Never accept fights unless you have more people. This will help because you will gaurentee yourself a win.

2. Hit clans in singles tell them to go multi, it doesn't mean you have to follow just make you look better on a vid, sometimes you can even say "you have more" to hype your clan up doesn't really  matter if its true

3. Be patient, have your clan in singles or lobby wait it out if you wait a hour or so some newbundle of twigs clan will fight for "action" and you can crash it and claim the win!

4. Mains, seen eop doing this recently bringing mains is not a bad thing, it is if you get caught be sure they snipe from somewhere else and not in your fall in in your cc -.-

5. Flame on Sharkbrew, the flame on sharkbrew has to be much harsher, people are not getting under the skin as much as you need to so you can close a clan

6. Videos/topics always edit out the parts where you lose and claim a win, possibly spam in singles in a random world "s cleared" or whatever.

7. Ddosing please be sure you are ddosing, it will help close a clan and make sure only the best prevail

8. Hacking, don't mindlessly hack like a newbundle of twigs do it creatively where you don't quite see that its your clan hacking, but the person that you hacked knows it was

9. leaking of leaderboards, cv did this once started to think higher of them after that, but they seemed to have failed me shortly after (newbundle of twigss)

10. Fake IRC logs, thought I saw some from LT talking about DR, but discovered they were real so it was kinda cauliflower, if you want help making fake logs pm me it always gets a lot of propaganda out there about another clan.



In the end of the day propaganda, being patient for a crash, hitting in singles, ddosing and hacking, can prevail our community to be like it was before, and grow where only the strong survive. that is the truth.

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One truthful thing I found out about you is that if you want to become a terrible troll like this guy just act like a complete broccoli. It'll get you there. 

looking at your signature and your name shows your a terrible troll, if you weren't so fucking new you would know that that's how clanning is supposed to be.

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