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AUS/NZ player looking for pure clan

Guest ShmokinCrack

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Guest ShmokinCrack



I'm based in New Zealand, and have been playing Runescape and private servers for 17 + years and properly pking around 12 years. 


I'm looking for a pure clan for pvp trips/warring. i would prefer active members in my timezone (UTC +10) 


I have a 1 def pure thats pretty close to being finished - IGN "RipMyKnobOff". Fully quested halo/fcape/anchor/ancients etc. 


I haven't been in a pure clan for over 10 years, so don't really have any affiliations


Im not interested in drama or dumb stuff like doxing/ddosing - i had enough of that when i was young and played private servers. if your clan partakes in that kind of stuff im not interested in joining. 


If people don't have a clan for me - is there anywhere that's more active than this forum? i tried to join the sharkbrew discord because it seems like it might be better, but all the links i found were broken 



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