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Bama Hick

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Posts posted by Bama Hick

  1. Bvg: Cd keep dicking us and they won´t off. What do we do, guys?

    Hunter: Get the rest of our members to train 30+ def and bring more mains!

    Bvg: We will be a laughingstock if we do that...

    Hunter: We already are a laughingstock, so we might as well embrace it?

    Bvg: Hmm, you have a point.

    Bvg: Downyz, got anything to add?


    Downyz: I don´t have time for this, I am too busy pretending to be a rock crab on sharkbrew...

    *Downyz disconnected (leaving)...*

    The amount of ignorance in this topic. SMH

  2. 1 1/2 years in the Mpc scene and you want to talk brown sticky stuff to a clan that's been in the scene for 2months? Fuck outta here with your bullbrown sticky stuff. Last prep olympus beat us 2-1 with last round remaining with like 7 I believe? Without your Hpc invites and wave of kids in addy, you guys are horrible. PM @@Niblet @@HulaHoopN or @@Lenin for a prep with a decent cap or gtfo here.


    OT: Gj apex, looked easy.

    you fucking broccoli prep me i've been begging rage to prep me for 2 weeks @datassd0e 


    nut up and fucking prep stop talking brown sticky stuff thinking you're cute and show up and prep, I HAVE ONLY ASKED ABOUT 12332 TIMES IN 2 WEEKS

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