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Bama Hick

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Everything posted by Bama Hick

  1. nice rules changes late last night to give ruin a biased cotm win gj @@Moni
  2. I was there too man you're a broccoli if you think df or vr was there. We have 2 DF members who have pures and 0 VR were there, nice propaganda, don't believe the lies your leaders tell you. OP wins again.
  3. Imperial smoked and the only thing they are trying to cry about is a level 78 who is in olympus lol they had the combat advantage and lost and want to cry because of a lvl 78 op member lol imperial is punished.
  4. gf rage, keep running the rest of you brown sticky stuffters
  5. learn to get facts and look at the number effect on the ml also it's a 3 cb advantage slush is just saying one do the math yourself on the ml's
  6. pretty much he's just openly admitting to bias given he literally said he sided the combat and the times to IMP's memberlist. Not to mention the fact he forgot the leave out the number of accounts that imp gains for having 93 cb cap and the 1 account Olympus has. His pathetic excuse of "train up" like he doesn't know this is pure clanning and most people have maxed out at 87,88 Especially when he is too fucking pathetic of a person to even set a standard and a clear definite line between mpc and hpc which was literally set almost a year ago at 90 combat. He cried about the preps we've won and he has also forgotten to mention the preps Imp won were on 100+ accounts vs hpcs and they are for some reason still considered in the mpc prep bracket l0l.
  7. Yea dome leader going with Supremacy's mpc, real logical guy here support your rivals not very wise.
  8. yea but @@Moni the ML is accurate now, but you guys refuse to change rules or be fair, it's so 1 sided and you wanna say you help set it up, but you aren't even working with both clans, just jumping to conclusions and changing your mind to a new point every time you guys got proven wrong. http://olympus-rs.com/elites/?memberlist=memberlist cb average 79 cb average 84 http://imperial-rs.net/index.php?/ml/ then if you wanna do your little calc it drops even more In addition the the random 93 combat rule whereas giving +4 accounts to Imp at the max combat lvl making +7 total over the original 90 Cb cap rule compared to Olympus's 3 over 90 on the Ml. This is mpc, they didn't even get their wins with mpc accounts and you're literally enabling them to not use mpc accounts, might as well have 111cb cap and make it max 39 def and call in xlpc with that mindset.
  9. Well said mpc should stay the same, and clans should fight in their bracket, like how imp prepped hpc's on hpc accounts but ya know. This is sharkbrew and we are Olympus
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