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No Knees

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Everything posted by No Knees

  1. idk what these noobs are smoking but i echo'd ur teamspeak to my clan live and none of what u said happened
  2. to all the vr noobs crying about rag lastnight, DONUT CRINE
  3. Earlier in the day our informant @Elve over at Zendog HQ informed us of a fight planned between @Evizuand @Nullusionin attempt to "bait" out Clumpa, we planned to anti bait RoT(sv) and end them infront of everyone. we swiftly tele'd up putting them on ice, ending their fight and locking them in with us. About 10 minutes after crashing SV made an appearance with a weak pull on med levels (they peaked at 23 on ts), this was our goal. once the fight moved to new-gate we brought in the rot echo and just laughed at these noobs while they suicided to us, eventually not to our surprise they ran away leaving VR to get fully wiped. many cringe excuses were used justifying to run and log from clumpa such as "we did what we came to do" , "its not our fight", "VR is dogshit" etc Throughout the fight we gained, peaked and ended with 80 on ts. our opponents started with 100 and ended with 0 running away getting fully cleared on video tape. WATCH THIS POV TO SEE HOW DOGSHIT THESE CLANS REALLY ARE
  4. voted zenith after see'ing the admin logs of cookies leaking apex locations to multiple main clans
  5. where is the cringe speech about mountains and men?
  6. dw 80 lads aren't listening to everything you say on ts at all times
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