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Everything posted by Hatton

  1. thanks every1, just to let u no... we are not new... we are not open... you cannot join... one is chosen to enter the gang
  2. was fun fighting u until the retards in blue crashed like they always do
  3. grats on a huge flamer for getting promoted
  4. thank u mate, u will see the same tomorrow stay tuned
  5. Orphan Gang <Buky> be in UK in a month hmu if u wanna talk brown sticky stuff to my face Today we set out into the wilderness with 9 lost, lonely children, looking for our parents as we do every Saturday. We got word through the grapevine of a yellow caped gang called Against All Orphans had pulled an astonishing 15 yellow warriors to their wilderness ventures. We visited their home in the wilderness, also known as east graves, where they spend the majority of their days killing zombies or dying. They seemed pretty mad at us, calling themselves the "Orphan Gang Killers," or "OGK" for short. Reasons for this are yet unknown to my brave, strong minded brothers, however our guess is that we slumped them into an extremely dark place, a place where they may never recover from. Shout out to the AAO guys for dying constantly throughout their trip, putting on other clans capes to snipe the fights, times are hard right now but things can only get better, if you stop fucking about with us that is. With unorganized ranks and atrocious organization and calling, the fights were pretty simple and leaks exceptionally easy to pay off. Close the forums and stop hosting the Team Speak, save yourself some money Dennis, perhaps you can get another piercing to follow the ones on your tongue and your chin. Opts: OG: Starting 9 - 10 Ending AAO: Starting 15 - 0 Ending see ya again tomorrow aao hehehehehehehehehehehe
  6. Good fight xL and AAO! Was shaky at the start but once we familiarised ourselves we done the job. AAO your closing watch out
  7. Good fight xL and AAO! Was shaky at the start but once we familiarised ourselves we done the job. AAO your closing watch out
  8. one is not a leak, one is sitting above the fluffy among the gods feeding off information by young peasants
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9wbnT0YGxM&feature=youtu.be
  10. Looks like u spent over half your trip in single/sniping from single good job looked fun!!
  11. heard aao and cd had a clan wars fight..............
  12. Check out the below, much more welcoming community than this one as you'll find a lot of bundle of twigsgots on here. www.clan-ru.com #Ruin
  13. has your clan been the laughing stock of the pure community for the last however many years: yes are you a broccoli: yes kk roll on wheelchair boy
  14. Was it an event: Yes Did it contain pures: Yes Did people die: Yes Looks like it ticks the boxes for every other topic that is posted in this forum, buddy.
  15. As I said not everybody was vidding/taking pictures, it's a mid week unofficial we caught a group of you logging in/split up what's the big deal?
  16. Not everybody took pictures and Vikings' had to leave before a lot of things happened plus killing 1/2 people in nice gear isn't worth recording, sorry.
  17. We had word you guys was out and bumped into around 10 of you and killed you.
  18. Forums: Www.Clan-RU.Com | SwiftIRC: #Ruin | Teamspeak: Ts.Clan-RU.Com ---------------------------------------- We heard through the grapevine that several clans were out for some P2P action. We quickly headed to Edgeville to mass up and headed out with around 15-20 members hungry for battle. Hopping worlds around lavas and rune rocks found us bumping into Excel, Vitality, Risk Takers, SP and several teams of mains/random pures. We made light work of everything we seen and came away with some nice loot and an enjoyable 1-2 hours of PKing. ---------------------------------------- Video courtesy of Vikings ---------------------------------------- Thanks for all in attendance and those who we bumped into. If you'd like to join Ruin or are interested in what this clan is about or who we are, please take the time to visit either of the follow: Forums: Www.Clan-RU.Com | SwiftIRC: #Ruin | Teamspeak: Ts.Clan-RU.Com
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