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Everything posted by Hatton

  1. I'm not the one bullbrown sticky stuffting it making an aftermath topic buddy, we had been fighting SV too and you know that yourself because you walked straight past us fighting them.
  2. Great job, always dominating. It's a shame you talk so much brown sticky stuff because a lot more people would like you then as you're not a bad clan on the battlefield.
  3. Lol you was cleared in the fight, then as we're leaving and hopping out so we don't get crashed you killed a few stragglers.....
  4. Welcome to the forums @@Just Range . If you're after a fun, active and chilled out clan with great members, feel free to visit http://www.aao-rs.com/community/or alternatively come have a chat in the public clan chat, "R4ng3r J"
  5. I can't see many people letting this happen, sorry bud.
  6. Looked fun for a monday night, good job TLP.
  7. Looked fun for a monday night, good job TLP.
  8. Well if weekend trips are included, then this is also one of mine.
  9. Thought it was potato masher as hell when I read the topic title. Looks and sounds amazing though, hope you all had a good time.
  10. Epidemic vs FOE - Full Out 3 day prep Epidemic vs Fi The original red vs blue, hosted by Pure Warfare All 3 were really enjoyable, I've enjoyed a lot of others but can't think of what ones.
  11. Sorry but I would never join your clan after how easy I found it to stomp you and recruit your members as they seen the sheer domination we had over you.
  12. Lol xL is back open? I remember hitting you guys on pretty much a daily basis when I was in NME. Was a fun little rivalry for a while.
  13. Hatton


    It's just part of fueling a rivalry. It's healthy, albeit cauliflower and overly broccolied, it creates a burning fire which makes others interested and known of what is going on, thus attracting people to either side to join in. Things like this have been going on for years and will continue to do so as long as clans are fighting each other. P.s good choice of song lol haven't heard that for a while
  14. Looks like a good trip, fantastic pull it's been a while since I actively checked these forums and it's nice to see a clan other than the ones that have been around for years pulling big. Perhaps you should attempt to take on one of the HPC's and see how you guys can do vs them if you constantly beat the LPC's, winning all the time without progression can also be a bad thing for clans.
  15. man this streetRAT guy really loves you guys Doom lol, what an embarrassment for whatever clan this dude is in. This reminds me of Epidemic vs CP/EOP rivalry, CD being CP/EOP.
  16. Hatton


    I figured I'd catch you on IRC Benjamin @@Ben Sounds good man, I'm just getting on with life keeping my head down these days and enjoying myself for a change lol @@Quode Hi @@iDrawdee I'm doing alright mate, what about yourself? You still scaping you bundle of twigs?
  17. Hatton


    @@Quode yeah man the majority of the people i've never seen or heard of lol, how you doing?
  18. Hatton


    @ What was your RSN in NME?
  19. Hatton


    Lol retards you're the reason the game is in the shape it is in nowadays
  20. Hatton


    Hi haven't really been around for quite a few years now, nice to see a thriving forum and several clans having decent rivalries. Anybody still about who I used to knock about with in past clans lol? Or anyone from 2004-2007 era
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