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Everything posted by rofldogs

  1. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  2. wheres rd's aftermath topic?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RD Horizon

      RD Horizon

      @rofldogs (even though ur a troll) -

    3. Sharkbrew Legend

      Sharkbrew Legend

      crashed fights/lost to fi/fought in single, no wonder they didnt make a topic lmfao

    4. rofldogs


      not clicking that rat @RD Horizon

  3. how the fuck is p2p sundays different from p2p fridays, brown sticky stuff clans will still bring mains r0fl
  4. getting fucking pushed all over the place by fi and fighting eop in singles ur trip looked really fun!!
  5. RD got fucked by EoP today, why are they even talking loll!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. looks like rd got the dick pretty bad r0fll
  7. Looks like you brought more mains then pures lmfao
  8. Fat nerd is fat and mad LOLOLOLOLOL
  9. Literally no other clan accuses ZU of dosing you're just butthurt
  10. Parm made a status saying he has the "green light", what's that lol XD?????
  11. admitting to ddosing? sick dude, your clan is brown sticky stuff
  12. cya retards lmfao! talk brown sticky stuff, get the dick
  13. LOLRD! Fucking "railed" the unit!! NO BACKUP TS NP RETARDS
  14. I didn't and I would never be that broccolied to fight a clan with so many lower levels in 15 wild
  15. Check that: looks like you ran and logged Everytime your fight got crashed so you could claim wins and keep your members brainwashed by this garbage
  16. Lol! Welcome to the network, no one gives a brown sticky stuff if ur a "real pure", pure Clanning is 1-25 def
  17. Brainwashed lmfao, zu waited 15 mins for you to rush with +10 then you run when it gets crashed and we are left sitting in multi with 28, ?????????????
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