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Everything posted by Erik

  1. Oh wow I got called potato masher . Texting my girlfriend brb.
  2. Obviously they will be mad and flame. Look at the baiting at this topic mate. Your arguments are pretty invalid.
  3. Please provide me with the flaming I did and I will happily stop with whatever you're saying I've done .
  4. This guy just never stops flaming lmao. Are you accomplishing something in your life sitting with your "banter" on RuneScape? If you're so cocky, why don't you just prep us again and we'll see who really is #1 F2P. Thank you.
  5. Pretty sure there was a aftermath topic for this already.
  6. Back in the day when I was in Control, my favorite server was P2P, however my opinion has changed a lot over the last months and I actually love F2P nowadays. So, I'm just curious, what's YOUR favorite server? F2P or P2P?
  7. Erik

    Fi VS RD p2p prep

    Knew this would happen from the start. Impressive in P2P Fi. Thanks for the preps.
  8. P2P tips really aren't that hard. We just clump like terrible lmfao.
  9. Erik

    Fi vs Zu F2p prep

    I'm still waiting to fight you guys tbh. I picked RD over you guys soo.... Leggo?
  10. Redemption Vs. Corrupt Pures www.clan-rd.com - rd.teamspeak3.com - #Redemption 11/12-2014 - Miniwar RD Starting: 10 Corrupt Pures Starting: 10 - RD Ending: 4 Corrupt Pures Ending: 0 RD Starting: 11 Corrupt Pures Starting: 11 RD Ending: 8 Corrupt Pures Ending: 0 RD Starting: 10 Corrupt Pures Starting: 10 - RD Ending: 4 Clan Ending: 0 Erik's POV Sensat1ons' s POV
  11. Good job, looking forward to fight you sometime @@James.
  12. Do I know you? The main reason of the topic and my POV is to make EoP mad over getting their own karma.
  13. "Kid". That's me and my IP is 100% secure, except me going in EoP ts the same day. Coincidence maybe, duno lol.
  14. Redemption never touched single. We fought 3 clans in 1 inventory.
  15. "Come join ZU, unlike RD we never flame" ://////////
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