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Everything posted by mppi

  1. you know you made it when your rivals using your motivation speech as their own. tea loc? how come you didn't show up?
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hQCIzRwzQM if you want to see BP droping from 30 people to 16, feast your eyes.
  3. Nice POV of 6 clan aliance getting farmed. That speach in the beginning what a lagend. You should learn from it, maybe Bluntpussies will stop breaking after 20min in. Honest question too. Do you understand your caller? Caus we sure can't.
  4. 30 man pull with only 12 real BP member been all ranks. Fuck happened to BLuntshit. This rivalry is too easy.
  5. Must be wreaking to be farmed by 10 man clan? I heard tea and other ranks got victimised by JS so they didn't show up to the war. How is bluntpoop gona win with a victim attitude
  6. Broooo, how the fuck you guys understand a single call that man make? Funniest shit ever.
  7. BP sharing cc with 5 clans to pull 40 people. JS did this to you! Crying is free too. Be like Jen time to cash out.
  8. Js is coming log out of 525. That audio leak get me every time.
  9. Imaging bc was with bp for a year and you talking about JS
  10. Once aigen you trying to bait us gdz so you can hit us on mains . Pures loc????
  11. Pulling 16 bp member rest from alliance will not save you. BP dieing. Loging mains will not save you. Time to cash out.
  12. Its funny how bp trying to wear a black hat like it's gona save theme
  13. The one you see are clan friends. If there clan is not out they roll with us. We dont have 108.
  14. Jumpstreet dose it every Sunday. We dont need 25 def to clap some cheeks. But for real, there is so many location we can fight on 1-5 def. Meds and mains can't hunt us. We would enjoy and support they idea.
  15. bro why did you tell your ops not to wear team capes, so no 1 would know you pulled 12 people ranks only?
  16. yea broo that shit was fun at least venom though you were still on their side, puhahaha.
  17. ty for helping us clearing venom been 2 weeks they are not showing up. you doing great.
  18. Lol are you gonna claim that as your kill, and that you got it today????? Venom enjoyed the coziness of my house for 10 sec. Was nice to see you venny show up. Sorry you didnt stay long and dint get any of our weekly drop party. Join JS for weekly drop party after war.
  19. Venom back it aigen with cringe post. Why you always post old pic that you stole from other clans and claim to be yours?
  20. you should post some gear tutorial 870 bolts 237 ice sack?
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