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Everything posted by lnterrupt

  1. why wouldn't I, I love flexing on you broke niggas. Being poor is a crime.
  2. why you changing the subject, you asked me to show you the money, let's set up the fight, you guys have all these ranks here responding and none has the balls to accept the fight that we can't "pull".
  3. hell yea I did, the little doggy wanted proof that I had the money, so I showed him. I think it's fucking hilarious that me posting my bank triggers you guys that much, is it possible that I have more in the bank than all you ranks put together? Jesus, being poor must really suck, hate to be you.
  4. 5 mintue aftermath is considered demon mode now LMFAO, that's the standard now huh, don't tag Justin, you are not worthy.
  5. No one is crying, I love these exchanges if you can't tell, but honestly bro, no clan leader posts on this site especially aftermath topics, tell your lazy minions to do some work already, it makes you look desperate.
  6. And you are the kid that likes to copy what other ppl say because you can't think of anything on your own, the 40 year already made this point. SIT DOGGY
  7. I fucking love it dude, no one is crying, this is free therapy for me seeing you squirm.
  8. Here is my pure and my med, are we doing this or what? Or is your ass too fucking poor. No excuses, go borrow some money and let's get this setup already, finally a clan that's willing to fight us in clanwars, being dieing for some action.
  9. What you mean man, why would I be mad, I love making fun of you guys, this has been my routine every morning to destress myself, responding to you literally puts a smile on my face everytime. My life is better because of you, don't ever stop you old fat fuck.
  10. prep us right now you pussies, I bet you will come up with some snarky remark of why you won't, I will put up a bil right now, FO is talking shit to us about cwars lmao, you guys don't have the quality or the balls.
  11. You guys are so out of touch it's fucking hilarious, it literally takes you 2 hours to max on BS while you can get none stop action in the wild for pures because of their 1 def world. You act like you can only play 1 game in 2022, your logic is stupid as fuck.
  12. You act like shark brew is so fucking active where it needs bumps lmao, only you doggies care enough to post aftermath of 5 minute videos, look at your own title for your topic, even your leader admits the scene is DEAD. https://www.battle-scape.com/forums/42-Wars-amp-Events
  13. your combacks are so lame dude, seriously, you can do better, believe in yourself.
  14. lol no point explaining bro, they know they fucking suck, I mean they lose to fucking LY in clan wars, if that doesn't prove their quality, nothing will. let these trolls have their "none stop action".
  15. LMAO none stop action, sure man, 5 minutes of POV is considered none stop action now. NICE!
  16. Old dogs can't learn new tricks, considering yourself playing the game for fucking 45 years, no way you find the scene for pures is live. We never stopped osrs, BS is just more fun right now and as an active clan, we choose to go where the action is while we host the biggest tournament so far this year for the elite pures that wants action in osrs. You are a joke old man, but I have to say I love making fun of your ass, it's so satisfying.
  17. the wild in osrs is dead, you guys have 5 minutes of pov on a Sunday and you guys think you are getting all the action lmfao. most of FI are on there rather than this shit getting action daily. Empire all day https://www.battle-scape.com/forums/42-Wars-amp-Events
  18. This old dog trying to give us another history lesson about runescape clanning... I cba
  19. Because you are a lonely man with low esteem, instead of doing something with your life you like to put other people down to make yourself feel better. Keep bumping my post. Fucking loser.
  20. Your life must be real shit for someone that’s 40, all i see is you typing negative shit on topics to get attention on a runescape forum for pure clans. Get a life bro, no one knows who you are or cares about what you think.
  21. Who the fuck are you? Get your old ass out of here grandpa, no one cares about runescape history, da fuck is wrong with this 40 year old virgin…
  22. Your only topic for the past 2 months is on Father’s day where no other clan is out against a med clan. Wildy is dead, either adapt or your clan won’t get any legit action
  23. Why you act like your clan is so active during sundays, sunday trips have been dead for months. If your clan has any quality at all, join the tournament and try to win…. But we all know your clan is shit. Sit dog
  24. did you guys have a good trip? I see no action, no kill pics and no pov on your site except for a 12 man spam. The wildy scene is dead for pures. Get better in clan wars if you guys want any action at all. GG
  25. since you care so much about our postings, here are 2 more wins that we had this week that was not posted. https://clan-fi.org/topic/96889-fatality-vs-terror-p2p-mini-4-1/?tab=comments#comment-1397565 https://clan-fi.org/topic/96891-fatality-vs-terror-f2p-prep-2-0/
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