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Everything posted by kkk

  1. rd pulled 21? u ok man? admitting to teaming i see
  2. @@Aquaxi @ @ u guys ok? it must hurt losing with a +5
  3. we were fighting lt when sup crashed. and sup had rd capes in their inventory? that was clearly set up. keep trying though. this is what happens when you do drugs kids
  4. thx for the wins today. was almost as easy as sending rd to p2p LOOL
  5. i did. you crashed a fight then say "LOL 2V1 NP" do you know what teaming on crash is or are you new? then you say you won the fight when you were hugging single and proceeded to call rd to crash. then you put up some logs when you were too scared to fight us and spam "LOL ZU". good try though
  6. Around this time Tristin (the guy who was in eop for 3 years and never got past elite but got leader in CP in 2 months) was telling his members we were hiding from CP at 15 ports, which doesn't actually exist. So we thought we'd move from 15 ports and go hit CP again. lul
  7. rd why u heff to be mad? must of wasted a lot of stamina pots today :(

  8. we are 2-0 with rd, your arguement is invalid
  9. so much salt from rd on this topic. they are member ranks too lmfao
  10. im not in eop and p0ke n crys clans have never been good sorry.
  12. "The first round was a walk in the park, the second round mimicked that of the first until horizon sat on a bunch of routers and the dc's came pouring in." LOL
  13. "kyle" dropped (connection lost) rd why you heff to be mad?

  14. piszczek is an rd main. looks like you guys are just mad you lost :/
  15. we called out sup because they are trying to call out a clan that's weaker. only fair
  16. your "clan" hit off our teamspeak for a week straight and you say you dont ddos rofl. you bring more mains than anyone else (everyone knows so dont bother denying it) and your clan teamed with supremacy to 2v1 zu lol. you probably wouldnt know because you are a peasant of your clan and your leaders probably bullbrown sticky stuff.
  17. there's no hope for you can any rd member read? or is it just a requirement?
  18. Ending %Council of Ascent please learn what you are saying before you speak
  19. dont do drugs kids. they fuck up your brain
  20. i was actually listening to old vanna right before this lol. saw them live with this band bought a year ago
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