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Posts posted by Insane

  1. @slushpuppeh @DULL

    Damn I legit hit a nerve with you slush, very sorry if I offended you by the way. Let me clear the air a bit more. If you feel like I'm annoying you, go ahead and ban me.

    31 minutes ago, slushpuppeh said:

    Thank you for this information. Guess it was never about the pyramids @17_

    "Final straw"


    31 minutes ago, slushpuppeh said:

    Unbreakable's database ended up in the hands of SV 1 week after you were given an opportunity to get ACP access. Thank you for this information. Guess it was never about the pyramids @17_

    0 ask about ub, we've been over this.


    31 minutes ago, slushpuppeh said:

    It was never about making money.

    ??? then why are you here? it's not like you play rs? it's not like you are involved with clanning, why do you run SB if you have no respect for your clients. (the clans)


    31 minutes ago, slushpuppeh said:

    You cannot differentiate bcrypt hash from an md5 even when it is staring infront of you? I guess that's the reason why EOP forum passwords were "corrupted".

    I'm well aware of bcrypt lmao, I was referring to the actual ACP htpasswd hashing. "super secure btw". I had no interest or need to break away from the IPB framework if the host is secure, that's an afterthought.

    If I pop local then I can just curl outbound to a remote log. Your modifications aren't a solution.


    31 minutes ago, slushpuppeh said:

    They wouldn't need to be infiltrated if you sold their DBs

    What? I was talking about TLP, the only site I've hosted that got comped, once, due to pibb+howls getting SE'd. I've never had my boxes popped lmao.


    31 minutes ago, slushpuppeh said:

    Unlike you, My goal is to provide affordable hosting for the pure community.

    Weird, I match your pricing for hosting and offer a higher uptime.


    31 minutes ago, slushpuppeh said:

    And here you are implying that I am doing this for money. My price point was never to generate any sizeable income. My current hosting setup requires 2 servers which both sets me back around $200 a month. Each clan I charge $15(with the exception of EOP and UB). My monthly taking is around $300-400 depending on who closes and whatnot. The net covers my time for maintaining the layer 7 filtering system. As long as my costs are covered, I am happy.

    I assumed so, doesn't make sense why you would hold EOP back from switching to any host, including themslves, unless it was about some sort of income or control.

    I'm glad you found a budget priced solution for your setup. I use these server for business, clan sites just ride the wave.


    31 minutes ago, slushpuppeh said:

    I control the biggest platform for clanning

    see above


    31 minutes ago, slushpuppeh said:

    I don't even advertise on sharkbrew.com..



    also direct link-


    31 minutes ago, slushpuppeh said:

    You have quite the nerve to boast about the clans you price gouged in the past. Many years back, when SV was taking down sites, you were happily gouging clans for $30-50 a month. Why didn't you lower your costs so more clans can be protected?

    I've never charged more than $15-20/mo for site host itself, only time I charged more was when I was offering service at cost, for L7 protection.

    They paid the invoices.


    31 minutes ago, slushpuppeh said:

    Please regal us with the tales how almost every big name clan dropped you afterwards. Tell us what happened when you were hosting Fatality

    Name a clan that dropped me? I'm not the one that needs to list vouches lmao.

    I've never had a clan terminate hosting, besides Fi, unless I was the one to do it for them. Funny enough I was referring kids to you while I was "MIA" doing other things.


    31 minutes ago, slushpuppeh said:

    Except for TLP, you have never gone out of the way to solve problems that clans needed fixing.

    See 2 above when CF dropped Fo due to L7 limitations, then again that was 5 years ago, a minute before you were in the game, sorry.


    31 minutes ago, slushpuppeh said:

    Look we get it, you are so r1ch and successful irl(lol), but please don't come on these forums acting like you got some sense of altruism.

    0 ask btw. I referred people to you in the years I wasn't actively hosting new clans, because you seemed like you cared.


  2. @slushpuppeh I'm only posting a response because it seems like you think I dislike you, but I actually don't. This isn't a bash topic, just a general response to clear the air.


    18 hours ago, slushpuppeh said:

    I wish them all the best with their new host(Insane)

    Thanks friend.


    16 hours ago, slushpuppeh said:

    All lies since Ik you always been trying to get the host switched for past god knows how many weeks.

    They've been in contact for several months inquiring about moving hosts, and only contacted me a few weeks ago with the go ahead with the move. I had time yesterday to take care of it.


    16 hours ago, slushpuppeh said:

    See you in 4 months when Insane becomes uncontactable again and/or sells your database to SV hittin heh.

    That's an oddly specific number? I mean I don't really go on IRC, but have always been reachable via Email or Discord.

    I haven't spoken to Eli since August, all unrelated to transactions to databases.

    My service usually goes on without an issue, mitigation mirror is extremely successful, but a bit pricey, and wasn't purchased for the point of hosting clan sites, they just ride the wave.


    16 hours ago, slushpuppeh said:

    Not denying that people had issues connecting to all my forums last year nov-dec due to the anti ddos issues.

    But when a host goes MIA for a month straight, then the young grasshopper will understand the true definition of "too long".

    Only time I was unreachable for more than 24 hours, but still less than 36 hours, was when I was on vacation in Sri Lanka last year. Side note- it was a non-issue since none of my RS sites or voice servers went down.


    2 hours ago, slushpuppeh said:

    My hosting is unparalleled in terms of the custom and homebrewed features I provide. Feel free to refresh your memory

    Eh, I wouldn't say unparalleled, It sure is unique, but you could make more money selling your applications than limiting them to your host. I have a copy of all of them, and don't see a use in any of them outside of group mention. I might even release it publicly on iv site.


    2 hours ago, slushpuppeh said:

    My own personal upgrades to IPB makes it the most secure and feature rich IPB 3.4 of any clan site

    2 layers of software based logins still won't trump an air gapped hardware layer.

    md5 user/pass 32char both times? Kinda pushing your luck on what you call "most secure", it's a pretty good setup, but could be improved for sure. 


    Oddly enough out of every clan site I've hosted, only 1 was infiltrated successfully, and I managed to gain FO as a client the same day. I dropped FO a year later with a few weeks notice, full backup provided, when I was moving 3000 miles away and was unclear if I would continue to be involved in the RS scene.


    2 hours ago, slushpuppeh said:

    Also I hope you been truthful with your members on the recent history of your current host. Perhaps that is why I am hosting 15+ clans and your host only has 3.

    I didn't come here to flame you @slushpuppeh but I've gotta shut you down on this one. My day trade is a sys admin, I don't need to host bulk sites for income. I clear more in a month than you will make in a year.


    Never once have I messaged someone or posted an advertisement of my "hosting services" for sale, it's all word of mouth, it's been word of mouth since I started hosting clans 12 years ago. 15+ clan sites means dick when it's a bunch of XLLLLLPC's. I've hosted the majority of every big name in the clan world, main+pure+pvm. Site total means squat when your post total sum is 1/10th of who you are talking down @. Also the current number of RS sites is 7.


    2 hours ago, Tyendinaga said:

    and next we shall see eop abandon sharkbrew in favor of cody's brand new community site coming soon™

    No thanks, I don't need cancer.




    query Insane if you need me.

  3. No, he was a terrible leader from the day he got it. He was a good warlord, kept people motivated, but the second he had any power the clan took a downward turn. 


    This was the day the majority of us stopped respecting him, especially after he cried and left the clan because Scotty got leader over him(a guy who has literally been in TLP longer than almost any current member).

    He didn't cry, he threw a tantrum like a 6 year old.

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