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Everything posted by nick_hamilton

  1. I use my real life name and your using a fake rs name, thanks for your input newbundle of twigs
  2. No one gives a fuck about ur newbundle of twigs clans stop caring so much @LPC scene

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nick_hamilton


      Isn't wet tissue in suv or whatever? That clan seems to care more than any lol

    3. Slavemaster420


      you look like a moss giant sithlord @nick_hamilton

    4. nick_hamilton


      Your probably in a lpc @slavemister

  3. idk who u are stealing my word but if your in a lpc your a newbundle of twigs and care to much
  4. Oh so u are meaning every lpc in the game. Some cheat because they care to much and others bitch about it like urself
  5. Why is it when I read these dam forums its like a fucking anonymous bitch wall. Every topic is made by someone hiding on the internet and being emo over each newbundle of twigsgy clan. Even the ranks of clans all admit they are ranks but use a cauliflower name. No one cares about your lpc drama, and no one cares about any hpcs made after 2k6. Stop acting newbundle of twigsgy and at least come up with something better than "lmfao ur clan sucks" and "ur clan cheats" or "ur clan had a main" none of you will achieve anytjing on this video game because everything has happened in 2k6 and no one besides you newbundle of twigs losers care about runescape anymore. Bring back jonty at least he knows how to flame.
  6. Ur both fucking newbundle of twigss so is ur clan who the fuck is sv and ruin
  7. agreed but your probably just as brown sticky stuff lol
  8. New bundle of twigss on both sides, any clan made after 2k7 sucks
  9. Who would gain the most? Who would remain the brown sticky stufftiest?
  10. Tlp-good clan Fi-slump Rd-newbundle of twigss Cp-mossies Foe-newbundle of twigs leaders Zu-bad matched Sup- low pulling
  11. Gunna try to keep it clean.. Best caller each clan Fi-rich Cp-drunk Foe-walli Rd-fear4claws Tlp-butplay Zu-fork_n_fear S-3at Who carries each clan Fi-chris Cp-drunk Foe-walli Rd-batman Tlp-insane Zu-wishes S-kyle Serious posts plx
  12. Who the flying fuck is sv and energy
  13. I hate massers and newbundle of twigss as well... Anyone who's clan is less than 8 years old should close
  14. you guys allow newbundle of twigs clans to stay open. close those bundle of twigsgets. Less clans with more experience=stronger competition. Imagine a world of 4 clans: FI FOE CP TLP They would all pull around the same, have the best of the community left, battling it out for #1. If pulls weren't different for clusters then you would have 1 fight 2 and 3 fight 4 no waiting, no crashing. cauliflower to open any HPCS Problem with lpc community Worst fucking clans ever lmfao
  15. Stop being glory hunters its embarrasing to see you try to beat fi, foe, cp, and tlp... Your newbundle of twigss and you won't ever beat them please remain closed or fighting lpcs I don't want to see you waste more of my time
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