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Everything posted by Scimzz

  1. You still don't get it. They aren't actually doing inners you downy.
  2. I find it hilarious @@Trajan carries capes around to hand out; because the amount of mass recruiting and Vendetta they need to compete. Looks okay though. You get slammed match opts anyday by any clan ;p Good job on your trip
  3. Damn your vidder didn't even attack for 40 seconds. Shows how cauliflower your members are. Grats on winning a miniwar. We had over 6 new members that haven't did any f2p event before. Shame to see you talk brown sticky stuff after your first 3-0 in history. The hype is real and will be shutdown; this weekend.
  4. Grats, tlp going to mini mpcs soon? Don't become a mpc if you can't compete with them.
  5. Scimzz

    TripGod POV

    this nigga is dizzy
  6. 14v40 np? Cape counter says you have 18, not to mention your returners that died that are sitting in lumbridge .
  7. damn sv workin on new things
  8. hahaha bv gonna get smoked in lpc community
  9. awkward moment whenu went out today
  10. Wish they would, Chaos is the only lpc that will dominate p2p.
  11. Scimzz

    Need help

    I try to reply on topics on event aftermath, but it always says that the topic is locked when I know it's not because I can see other people comment on it later.
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