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Chesty Puller

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Chesty Puller last won the day on February 23 2015

Chesty Puller had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rune Rocks
  • Interests
    Killing your toxic clan
    Str8 Razor

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  1. Why's CD always crying for attention?
  2. had a lot of hate coming towards IR that second fight. when other clans ended their members came in foe capes to help them fight. saw a few sup members there as well. All in all it was a fun fight. Had fun camping your level 70s
  3. Yo I just want that client dude's playing on in the second vid
  4. Really can't do nothing about it. Might as well take advantage of it
  5. so nice to see those hats in action again. RIP war
  6. Crumb just uploaded this a few hours ago and I'm wondering if any pure clans would actually use something like this and how it could affect the wilderness. What do y'all think?
  7. this is seriously how I picture every cd member
  8. Shit where you going with that cashstack? Hmu fool
  9. Seriously can't find anything close to a xlpc rev team that's not a bunch of tele tubs and 1bangs Started up a new account a while ago and got to training it here recently again stats are currently 82 mage 50 att 73 str 71 range 43 prayer 67 hp Previous clanning experience stretches back towards 2007 with pink dragonz etc etc High Council of Complete Destruction, proud of Fatality, ranks of a bunch of p server clans, Leader of Vendetta (the real one) yada yada, High council of Nemesis (Hunter's nemesis), warlord of legion. all in all my history's shit but it comes with experience and a 5tick gmaul spec. Where y'all at?
  10. Fucking hell where are the 60+ cb p2p clans :'(((
  11. I enjoyed watching the video. Cheers to 15 more!
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