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Pog last won the day on August 8 2013

Pog had the most liked content!

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    Weightlifting, nutrition, RS07 PKing

Pog's Achievements

Advanced Member

Advanced Member (3/3)



  1. Borzor Nish Ownz or Hittin (P2P 1v1)
  2. Other clans be mad because all they ever do is shout at each other in teamspeak and go silent when they're losing in wars
  3. Petty clan shenanigans

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. I Sh00t U I
    3. Sith


      agreed everyone should keep it clean! Glad to see ctrl agreeing!

    4. Joonas


      Get clean control noobs

  4. I'm not even going to login to that
  5. Well whatever/whoever that is, bring it/them back.
  6. Pog

    Pog - Control

    Cheers guys. That's my pleasure, nice mains you bring to wars and nice lie on ops, also nice honor.
  7. Pog


    Sucks, it seems pointless releasing them as "rare" items. They should have just been released as worthless brown sticky stuff.
  8. Yeah everything else is pretty much epic, it's just frustrating when you try to switch things and then end up wearing a mixture of mage/range stuff and can't do any damage.
  9. I have a feeling that Partyhat's are going to become completely worthless pretty soon. They've dropped incredible amounts and it has also been suggested that they are going to be made available from holiday events (Christmas) as well. In my opinion, Mod Mat K was the cause of the crash, by hosting so many partyhat spawn parties where they dropped from the ceiling. I think the fact that two spawned on every world was probably two much, they should have only spawned on a select few worlds, however Mod Mat K completely destroyed any chance of Partyhat's being the "rare" items they once were. Now I feel that getting a partyhat isn't so much an achievement, as it seems very easy for anyone to obtain one. There must be thousands of them in-game now, I'd go as far as to say that I've seen more partyhats than I have full sets of barrows. What do you guys think?
  10. I'm not sure whether it's worth being mentioned, but I think Jagex's response would just be that this is how it was in 207... which I can't remember because through time, I've experienced so many different timers.
  11. What did I just watch? I was waiting for something to actually make sense... apparently not!
  12. It'll eventually be lowered, it makes no sense. If anyone actually paid that 5m, I'll be extremely surprised.
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