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Posts posted by Silk

  1. Kids new LOL how's the slump is it real? Much action in lobbies? Calm the fk down u been tammed kangaroo


    @X so pure X  your calling me new? who are you ???????????????????????????????????????? history???????????????????? when did you start pure clanning?????????????????????/ just by looking at your name i can already tell your a fucking randy and whatever you say is irrelevant, your first clans probably rd and your blinded by the retards in your clan lmfao god bless you 

  2. Gj no one thinks it was trauma ddosing as we have solid proof it was zu... Shame a clan I have stood up for and tried finding out who ddosed them ddosed us every prep we have.


    Trauma gj hope to get more


    fuck up u fucking moron you embarassing yourself, u use to fukn have rd logging in @ zu preps hittin off members + flaming when they lost. god bless the tomatos that join rd, im suprized the other clans still give u guys fights.

  3. What is more embarrassing is that they allow kids from multiple other clans to come together just to beat rd in a prep & also you had a +2 advantage & i guess were going to forget about the 8 people that randomly "disconnected" on rd's side. 


    lmfao now your crying cuz ur members getting ddosed? even though your brown sticky stuff clans been @ it for months, lmfao fucking close already brown sticky stuff clan

  4. You sound like you have tourettes lmfao


    I still have no idea who you are lmao damn randy peasants


    yo btw incase you can't read:

    Member of Trauma


    nice history broccoli, should stop banning m8s that play your ded ass server cuz u a lil bitch and cant handle

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