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Everything posted by Sandra

  1. Sandra


    I've always hated how clans label themselves as a "#1 LPC" or "#1 MPC". All these categories are cauliflower. You're a pure clan and that's that. Sure I do agree that if you're all between cmb 3-60 (40-55 being ideal) you're a low lvl pure clan, but anything above? No. You're just a regular pure clan. You're just trying to protect yourselves by saying you're a low leveled pure clan, while in fact you have 80s and 90s. Hell, when I was in Epidemic at it's peak I was around lvl 75-80. It's weird how there are lvl 100+ pures these days, I've always associated those people with rune pures/tanks somehow. Forsaken (a main clain I used to be in a couple of years ago) had a 105 combat requirement.. Also, as far as I remember the categories were never associated with lvl's in the first place. LPC meant low pulling clan... et cetera. You get the deal. But whats low? Below 39? What's medium? Between 40-55 and high being 55+? There are no fixed groups and times change (one day you pull 60 and the next day 40). If the community made those groups official: sure go call yourself a low/medium/high pulling clan (would still be silly) but please stop calling yourselves a low/medium/high lvl pure clan when you clearly have people that don't fit in that group/category (even though there are no categories we can all agree a 70+ isn't 'low' and a 90 isn't 'medium').
  2. Ben now and then visits these forums. I know Chief/Conan, Boomer, Prateek, Plode, Dave, Marty etc. play games together now and then on steam and they still use TS.
  3. I believe in things I can see, hear, touch, taste and smell. I can't see, hear, touch, taste and smell a 'God' as far as I know. But that doesn't mean there is no God. I simply don't know if there is a God (or more). I think I 'believe' in Science. I personally think it's to easy to say: "Yeah that's God's work". Humans want to explain the unexplainable, some try to do so via Science, and some via religion. I don't think we'll ever find the answer. We can't prove or disprove there is or isn't a God (or more). Sure, some things can and have been disproven but there are certain questions we will never be able to answer. I think religious people also believe because they want those questions answered because it somehow scares them. People want to know. And if you have to believe in God to do so, then do so ! Uncertainty and the unknown are one of our greatest enemies. Also: I don't hate religious people or God. "War on God" is a bit absurd, but I do agree that the media almost always focusses on the bad things in the world. Most of the time it focusses on religious conflicts. Which in my eyes are firmly connected with political gain. When people don't agree it doesn't mean they instantly hate God and/or religious people. No they simply state that they don't believe. Ofcourse there are atheïsts that will hate. But there are also many religious people that hate on atheïsts. The world would be a better place without extremists. Religious, or non religious. I guess you could say I'm a strong agnost. I simply don't know if theres a God and I believe nobody knows. I also love this quote (not saying I (dis)agree): "If I am capable of grasping God objectively, I do not believe, but precisely because I cannot do this I must believe." - Robert Flint.
  4. Sandra


    I'm not religious, but throughout the centuries the Roman Catholic Church gave us (Western countries) norms and values that are widely accepted and integrated now (there will always be tomatos and psychopaths). It brought the human race a step closer together in certain ways. I am however against (religious) extremists that spread hate and intolerance. Without those people the world would definately be a better place. I somehow do believe people become more tolerant and less hatefull with the decreasing of religious people. Still, the Christian norms and values will stay. I feel really safe in the Netherlands, a country where 50% is atheist or agnost and the religious people are very tolerant. I can hold hands with my girlfriend when I'm in the city without feeling threatened or scared. I don't think I'd feel safe in certain countries that are very religious. I however do agree that lesbians are more accepted than potato mashers by both sides in the Netherlands. Actually I believe that there are more non-believers that openly hate on potato mashers in the Netherlands than religious people. Maybe because some religious people don't want to see or talk about them.
  5. We had a fullout for that cape, but Foe crashed it lol. Then IR regrouped in maze (hah) and we killed them. Afterwards IR obviously didn't change capes. So yeah: let TLP and Supremacy fight for it in the wild every week. A good way for TLP to get back into the game. A healthy rivalry which will improve their pulls because they are fighting for their symbol.
  6. Hi old and new people! Hope you're all enjoying yourselves! How's everybody?
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