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Everything posted by Jeyess

  1. Listen you're my friend an all skillz but this is by far the worst trip POV ive ever seen in my fucking life. Legit you do 0 damage and run around with your tiny dick dangling out of ur blaack d hide chaps. Belive me when i say no one wants to see that brown sticky stuff. 2nd of all your computer is asshole bro. did you get it from the goodwill because you have 10 fps on a browser based game you cauliflower monkey. 3rd the music sounds like your 99% poverty ass family tried to make a rap album. Just stop dude im tired of it.
  2. What in Davy Jones’ locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I’ll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I’ve led numerous raids on brown sticky stuff clans, and carroted over 300 wenches. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a scimitar of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another pile of maggots. I’ll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o’ pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o’ monsoon that’ll wipe ye off the map. You’re sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o’er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o’ the line with a bow, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I’ll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o’ the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn’t, ye didn’t, and now ye’ll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I’ll brown sticky stuff fury all over ye and ye’ll drown in the depths o’ it. You’re fish food now
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