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Everything posted by Aziz

  1. Any of the clans you mentioned clear you alone Look at the start of the vid dumbass lmao
  2. You pulled 30 combined with envy for two weekends straight l0l
  3. Excel going extinct.

  4. You're so mad l0l, stay brown sticky stuff excel and keep on descending.
  5. Well you must be broccolied, thats ASK from RD, and it's spelled with an L.
  6. 15 84's LOL keep the excuses coming Hon0r all you had to do was pm one of us and ask for a prep, but no you had to be the publicity hungry whore you are and declare on us. Stop making excuses about us counter declaring, let me quote your words "Don't declare on someone unless you can accept any counter declare". You asked for it, you got fucked, nuff said. And good job barely pulling 29 with all your invites.
  7. lol cp coulda taken on team blue + red
  8. And you talked all that brown sticky stuff...

  9. goodluck in your future endeavours
  10. See, this is why no one likes you.
  11. brown sticky stuffcel at it again
  12. xL been open 4 months still at the bottom of the bottom.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Niblet


      @Shadowfiends, We also have the lowest levels and don't mass recruit, I think we're doing just fine

    3. DNYS


      I wasn't even out on Saturday, I can't make weekend trips so whatever you just said doesn't even apply to me.


      Acting smart again, whatup.

    4. Aziz


      @Niblet With your logic, 5 judgement can close your clan :)

  13. Does your mother have to wash your safety helmet from all the sweating after trips and events?
  14. I honestly didn't have anything against you guys myself, but god damn after reading some of your posts. It'll be wrong of me, so I won't pick on you and your handicapped members
  15. Feel the hype xL been asking for the D, so why let the bitch starve? Shoutouts: - hon0r telling his members to "run left" while calling. - xL members bringing teleports. - To the person that made that overused hitler vid, actually laughed a bit when "lalo" was brown sticky stuff talking hon0r. - SV for pulling a brown sticky stuffload in the lpc scene. Vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbESU5PWbmQ
  16. Don't you team with excel every weekend
  17. To each leadership their own kind of members.
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