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Everything posted by Living

  1. 24 Starting, 24 ending lol wtf 24 people can't kill the 1st pile?
  2. Kids that ride doom's dick "cough CD". Can't get enough of that main clan hate.
  3. Maybe it was a shortened version and i wanted to keep some things together cause why write 2-4 lines for one kids sentence? The struggle of a random kid being a leader of a main clan, the struggle. #Godbless
  4. Full Screen pls moron. Anyone can change their teamspeak name. pls dont try me
  5. I see no flaming, i see only intelligent debates over civil matters.
  6. I love these typed out chat logs that can be totally faked! BloodArrow42: We suck guys doom is so good Magican80: Ya, we should close cause i am a main and you allow me on trips Wari: I know right! I attend every event and prep and yet i am over 45 Defence! BloodArrow42: Guys, stfu don't say that in chat logs! You know Doom has a spy in us! BloodArrow42: Dutch Pkers go to N P's Teamspeak and ask them if they want to go out pking with us today okay? BloodArrow42: M E R K E D, go to IP's teamspeak and ask if they want to go out pkin with us today aswell, ok? Dutch Pkers: Okay boss! I know we need them! M E R K E D: Sure! Do i also get on my level 3 and spam edge to join your cc or mmbros and hand capes out to randoms? BloodArrow42: Ya, but MMbros cc. GeGe
  7. I was tempted to vote for CD, but i remembered that this is a pure community so i had to vote for the clan that actually has pures.
  8. Just noticed. Regicide brings teleports on officials. Back to RSPS pls.
  9. Why do clans team? If you got to team to even reach 40 ops, close and merge. Because teaming ain't helping, obviously. #1
  10. Everyone knows CD is the joke of the community. Any topic they make no one cares. They spam Edgeville for recruits and give randoms capes. Irrelevant like EoC.
  11. Some random LPCs who bring mains or are mains who rely on teaming to do anything (even during midweeks + clan wars)
  12. CD+SO+IP+NP Why team? Lol
  13. Thats it. Fuckin reported.
  14. Don't forget rT sometimes (i believe)
  15. There are a lot of false LPC's who truly are MPC/HPC req'd but just too scared to move.
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