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Status Replies posted by Hon0r

  1. 21:48] »Wed/08:51:13 PM« brb watching porn, i fuck your clan the same way [21:48] »Wed/08:51:51 PM« if ur watching porn, ur not fucking anything [21:48] »Wed/08:51:56 PM« so yh i'd say that's accurate lmao


  3. Any one interested in coming to a fun F2P event right now message me on shark brew

  4. did we fight sf, or a down syndrome clan? ooh wait sf is a down syndrome clan l00l

  5. did we fight sf, or a down syndrome clan? ooh wait sf is a down syndrome clan l00l

  6. @Hon0r xl is ded, either team up with a brown sticky stuff clan or mass recruit more u slave

  7. @Hon0r xl is ded, either team up with a brown sticky stuff clan or mass recruit more u slave

  8. when you believe your own lies l0l @Hon0r

  9. When your clan is literally potato masher http://puu.sh/pRzgQ/b9de0d76f6.png

  10. @Hon0r LMFAO wtf was that? Hhahahahah Your clans ded AF mate. Close already Impact Wins Again

  11. @Hon0r l0l0l0l0l0l how many times you gonna get decked and still talk brown sticky stuff

  12. 1v2 np, ez clear. go mass recruit more @Hon0r

  13. 1v2 np, ez clear. go mass recruit more @Hon0r

  14. Honor brings mains and another clan with him to fight lmao

  15. @Hon0r XL with that 3 man in game http://i.imgur.com/E78yhoB.png

    1. Hon0r


      u came to edge, we were teaming with all of world 308, did you go to suck some cock?

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  16. @Hon0r XL with that 3 man in game http://i.imgur.com/E78yhoB.png

    1. Hon0r


      @Jail don't get scared and leave, by the way you're all level 60+ with over heads and we are level 55's??? LOL. don't leave broccoli, going MPC?

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  17. @Hon0r XL with that 3 man in game http://i.imgur.com/E78yhoB.png

    1. Hon0r


      Okay wait there, i'm teaming with all of world 308 like you do


    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

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