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Status Updates posted by Georgiie

  1. i agree, cd wins again lul

  2. yo foe u lost ur streak to cd lmfoaoaoaoaoa

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. holydreams
    3. Georgiie


      @holydreams im still waiting for that topic :)

    4. Twitch


      mains in clan wars fucked ur chance lmao

  3. mfw foe actually thinks they still hold their streak lmao, wake up cd broke you

  4. mfw @holydreams still thinks hes dreaming lul rip streak

  5. @holydreams , u need a shoulder to cry on my nigga?

  6. @holydreams lmao u logged after 1 round, rip foe

  7. Yo @Lenin hit me up if you're looking to buy a maxed AGS pure hahaha

    1. Bradyb


      I'll close your clan for Lenin

  8. Hahahahaha Rip @Lenin , was a long run buddy see you in a few months when you get your new account maxed son.

    1. Georgiie


      Btw u wont do brown sticky stuff lol Rage is ded

  9. Imagine being Eop and teleporting to CW, first thing you see is FI/FOE's statue day and might out, ouch lul must suck to be a loser heh?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Law Abiding Citizen
    3. Nik


      yeah if only that were true lol @89-0 l00l, people still ask me to come back to this very day


      imagine being a poor cringy weird mexican who spends hours of his life defending his mmorpg guild on a fansite in 2k16 lol

    4. Nik


      u legit make fi look so justin beiber but i'm sure you've heard that before.

  10. Imagine Eop at clanwars lol, they have to look Fi&Foe statue everytime, must suck to be a loser heh?

    1. Cotton Picker

      Cotton Picker

      heh eop foc ded




      @EOPbrown sticky stuffters

    2. Cotton Picker

      Cotton Picker

      lines of cpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp


      cp wins again , never slump boi 100pull consistent

  11. Imagine being an EOPISS member and teleporting to Cwa and first thing you have to look is your two rival clan's statue bahahaha

    1. Georgiie


      Kiss the statue

    2. Cotton Picker

      Cotton Picker

      heh eop foc ded




      @EOP brown sticky stuffters

  12. CD is to great to waste time on a brown sticky stuff clan that hasnt achieved brown sticky stuff in 10 years lmao

    1. Kenan N Kel

      Kenan N Kel

      Eruption of penises are doodoo

    2. Georgiie
  13. @BLUE call me daddy

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Milzan


      Yeah nice boards/irc we got all on you whahaha

    4. Georgiie


      Milzan once u speak english come to daddy broccoli

  14. Eruption of pussies bahaha

  15. Imagine being in a die hard clan for 10 years and not achieving brown sticky stuff lol @BLUE

  16. Eop You Fucked Up Bahahaha

  17. Yo rage/opiss thanks for spicing up things, 3 clans against 1 no problem baby!!!

  18. Kiss my ass lololol

  19. Follow @FunkyTacoSlayer on Twitter thanks!

  20. How can you celibrate an anniversary trip with no wins you asked? PM @Niblet , @Whoppa or miss Pamela aka @pam

    1. Ryan..


      Nope you can't attend our inners paki reject lmfao

    2. Acid
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