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Mac Dre

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Everything posted by Mac Dre

  1. l0l get butt hurt bundle of twigsgot
  2. im jus telling the truth, seems like i accomplished my job feeling booty tickle. prob yelling at ur bro now, remember hes not a bundle of twigs like u bye
  3. okay kid, thats why you try to lie earlier like wow u know my bro username so cool. we both know its the truth, u can keep defending yourself on these fourms so you dont look like the bundle of twigsgot nerd you are who screams and whines every time you play rs like ur brother told me. its not exaggerated l0l and u know it but this my last post jus prep us bundle of twigsgots. YOU know its not a lie l00l u admitted it by saying we talk brown sticky stuff about each other. not being childish jus stop getting butthurt because you know its true. bitch nigga exposed hahahahhahaha lie more now kid
  4. idgaf about dem rankings lol its 7-0 brown sticky stuff kid try harder to find a loss. go find a topic where sv lost a prep vs another clan. and please dont try to use our inner prep vs imperial lmao. try harder porch monkey
  5. that he said you be taking the game to srs, and ur always screaming like a little bitch
  6. l0l i had him added, maul of ds and his other accs, he would always pm me aobut how fucking potato masher u are kid l000l. yeah get mad robust jr
  7. rofl thats why u told me ur brother is tora dora but okay kid
  8. hahaha thats why ur brother said u sound like a little screaming bundle of twigs when ur on rs l000l
  9. okay mr warlord of a brown sticky stuff clan, no wonder yall so eazy n brown sticky stuff
  10. why be mad were slumping ur brown sticky stuff clan, calling u a bundle of twigsgot makes me mad?? great logic. l000l we have asked ur brown sticky stuff clan for preps numerous times. i hope you come with more then that 30 u pulled last week ahahaaa. plz come for us, unlike last week where u dick pic sending bundle of twigss hid at altar
  11. stop riding our dicks and prep us fucking bundle of twigsgots
  12. l00l cuz u guys keep avoiding us fucking bundle of twigsgot gods, thats why ur ass gets fuck by me everytime 1 vs 1 wen ur brown sticky stuff clan camps singles. you havent prepped us cuz ur scared. we fucked yall every weekend kid and that 1 rd tourney was 2 eassy. fake ass excuses were exposed in ur ts leak. try harder bundle of twigsgot
  13. rofl whos e-thugging l000l, fucking hick lmaooooo go send dick pics like ur boy robust. and keep avoiding prepping sv,
  14. beat aao 3 times and doom 3 times, and one vs lp we never posted. and please show us a prep we lost vs any clan lol. stop hiding op and prep us already fucking bundle of twigsgot gods
  15. if it makes you feel better counting the wins u won when doom was still low lvl 60s but okay. go set up a prep against sv and stop hiding
  16. cd is brown sticky stuff, why talk brown sticky stuff about two clans better den ur brown sticky stuff clan. go invite more mains n 40 def kids like 2str0ng4u and wariahan
  17. rofl doom brown sticky stuffted on u brown sticky stuff kids, u guys complained about like 1 lvl 87. stop hiding n prep sv
  18. if it bothers u that much bruh, win then l000l ot: u guys did improve tho
  19. stfu n prep us bundle of twigss l00l
  20. undefeated fuck niggas cant stand us haha, svs big tymin
  21. stop hiding and prep sv okay robust jr?
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