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Mac Dre

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    mac dre

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  1. l00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000l Svvvvvvvvvvvvv week 3

  2. no one followed ur bitch ass rofl, nice excuse you just couldnt log/run wit the rest of ur brown sticky stuff clan l0l. we fucked doom brown sticky stuff kid
  3. bruh get da fuck out here wit yo ugly ass and ur whack ass bitch
  4. doom can lie all they want l0l they got fucked a new asshole today fucking brown sticky stuff kids. Ryan is a fucking nerd always screaming and raging l0000ll. You fucking bundle of twigsgot poser go back to school instead of having e sex with ur fucking pet goat ari. @@Datassd0e thought ur brown sticky stuff clan was coming for us???? 2 ezzz m8 stay in single guess u forgot to hop/run like the rest of your brown sticky stuff clan
  5. i never got sat r0fl and i was 31, and u prob thinking of dat kid entangle l0l. don't be mad that ur a lil 13 yr old girl who gossips like a little bitch all day. Crying in ts to cd about how ryan dont love you no more poor bundle of twigsgot. hey go do more joker speeches bundle of twigsgot and post it on youtube. never got bullied like u bundle of twigs left on my own terms unlike u
  6. you the one to talk, you go cry and spill ur heart like a lil 13 yr old girl everytime u get kicked out of doom. sitting in ts whining and crying about a game try more bundle of twigsgot...sounds pretty serious
  7. says da bundle of twigsgot kid who every time gets kick spills his bean like a lil 13 year old girl r0fl
  8. lol gone burn one while i listen to dis haha
  9. u say this every week, we waiting for u bundle of twigsgot l0l
  10. @@Datassd0e wat happen to you coming for us l0l
  11. stay screaming like a lil bundle of twigsgot like ur bro said
  12. @@Datassd0e wasup bundle of twigsgot, ur brown sticky stuff clan getting fucked every weekend, thought u were coming for us. thx for da free loot in p2p stay ezzzz princess
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