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Lugia Ex

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Everything posted by Lugia Ex

  1. test me kid, your just a skid with hackforums access moron. I'll put your whole family into debt if you test me monkey.
  2. lol propaganda from RoT. keep the main clanning brown sticky stuff to Zybez
  3. how is it two faced? They pulled more and defeated everyone. it's knowing when you lost, and we did lose Saturday our weak point. Gj and gl today EoP.
  4. Wasn't there, we should've sat but they were rules set in place. we didn't want to sit more than half out members. We should reschedule a prep at your timezone. Thanks for the prep and again sorry for the +2
  5. but you guys still closed regardless. Your right closing twice is bad within a month, but it's hypocritical when the clan flaunting this is also a clanned that has closed in their history.
  6. if we didn't fuck about 3rd round we would've smashed you even harder. Just be happy you guys got a round
  7. Btw EoP closed twice , new eop members wouldn't know do first read your own clan history.
  8. lol? I'm uncontested in the wild. I would like to see you bring anyone to kill me bridding.
  9. That's not me, and practice? Lol don't kid yourself wilderness by no means shows who's better. You have crashers, invites, mains willing to interrupt a fight. Clans taking any advantage they can to win, calling other clans for back up. you like to play dirty I bet, that's why you say wilderness but clan wars shows true quality. No mains to crash, no pure clans to interupt, and no invites. EoP isn't a bad clan, they are decent the only reason I poke fun is the rivalry. You guys just try too much to find an advantage whether it's mains (which we all know you use constantly) or invites (which we know you use too).
  10. Nothing new here move along.... Eop sucking rots nuts, mass joining them for protection.
  11. EoP talking about quality> Quantity LOLOLOLOL Gj ZU strong performance last round sad someone died lol
  12. Basically TLP giving EOP moral support for their members? You guys should merge already
  13. If you guys want a real clan join #Finalownage or foe the little guys #AAO . won't go wrong with any one of those, don't go to dying clans it won't be fun.
  14. it will be a invite fest if it happens on both sides lol
  15. I had fun reading this, many no namers without anything to hold their name. I'll smack anyone in the wilderness ezpz.
  16. every clan is made up of HPC accounts anyways lol
  17. You never have shut down AAO. I would refrain from flaming it gets you nowhere especially flaming a clan that opened literally 3 days ago. Other than that goodjob on your fun weekend, sounds like a feast for you and your clan
  18. @EoP kids, you guys did receive the PM about Ex-Clan members can come to ruin out trip right? And you guys did see the ~10 odd guest on ts Right? So broccolied lol you've tried to hype the past month with sign ups and "bringing the pain this weekend". We haven't had sign ups since we reopened, only way you can compete in f2p because we all know you wouldn't fight us p2p ever.
  19. Kappa fuck these kids lol EoP keep running and making sign ups calling ex members ans invites to come back and attend trips
  20. We won both fights, you guys ran to gdz idk why? We don't want a cauliflower 5 hour return when you guys don't even hit back. We had you running marathons in GDZ just trying to catch returns if possible. You never had a chance there, it was basically RoT + EoP Vs Foe Vs Vr. It's funny how all your members are sucking RoT off for protection
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