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Everything posted by manboob69

  1. ye man who wants to fuck with a lpc version of zenith lmfao u gotta be kidding me
  2. ye lmfao u dont care what we say but then u go and write a nobel laureate essay lmfao get outta here fat fuck
  3. to all the doom members pming me to leak stop lol i got too many already

  4. can someone please help explain this to me im a tad conufsed does doom allow invites or do they allow mutli clanning in lpcs or neither and they just broke the rules. any info on this would be greatly appreciated @@Moni @ @@tribal @audrey_bundle of twigstoni @@0wl @@Hormone please excuse my ignorance
  5. what does this app show lmfao. his rsn is the bearjew while aao foe omgrazza was at your prep. "hey we had no invites" - @@Moni "l0000l ye that invite carried for us xd xd xd hahaha lolz" - you
  6. petition to have doom just stop whining for like a day or 2 like really

  7. and even more work weekdays lmfao kanicus ur something else let me tell ya
  8. wow u think that was the real elvemage or what bro
  9. again with the riddles dr suess just speak normally lmfao
  10. no unlike you im not into cosplaying my fantasyland fantasies
  11. sorry i guess my mom didnt read that dr seuss book to me as a kid. you're gonna have to slow down with the riddles doc
  12. ye its been getting worse lately but hey what can you do
  13. lmfao take a step back man. you're literally cosplaying dr suess on a runescape pure clanning website. take the hat off the cat and grow up
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