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Makers of Mayhem

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Posts posted by Makers of Mayhem

  1. On 7/27/2020 at 9:46 PM, F3ar said:

    @Makers of Mayhemwtf r u talking bout this is all juice l0l fucking foe is the best thing to do fuck em hard  make them feel pain :P

    There's nothing juicy here. Light doxing, flaming, ddosing, etc. Shit that has gone on constantly in every clan since nam. I've seen single thread leaks where the original post is more juicy than this entire thing. 

  2. On 9/25/2019 at 4:55 PM, Murd said:

    Consider this scenario.


    Foe and Rage have a clean 1v1 60vs60. Foe win the fight with 35 left to Rage's 10, and Foe are in the process of cleaning it up. Outrage (rivals) come and crash with 60. With no teleporting allowed, Foe's 35 get cleared/scramble due to the numbers difference.

    Is that personally a win for people in Foe? And is this a meaningless W for Outrage? If it was Outrage vs Rage and Foe were the crashers, the result would also be the same, just different shows on the feet.


    There's too much weight on a victory and what is considered a victory nowadays IMO, and the current clan wars climate showcases that spectacularly.

    just tele out when crashed and kick for teleing if during a legit fight. 

  3. um

    the bank at the ditch could just not accept yew logs or planks lol.

    Also the ditch nullifying damage should just be removed, then no1 cares if you get sniped at the ditch. heck that's what level 1 multi pking is all about. 


    also make world 8 a high risk world and a no teleporting in wildy world. 


    Fog returning would be good for f2p pking. even if no1 pks there, people would still check it which brings people up from the cancer that is level 1 wildy and makes it so there is more people to fight. i'd rather there no teleport be there as north of lumber yard is one of the few places where you can fight people in p2p and not have it turn into a rag return battle in p2p. 



    and the pure world should be 1-5 def. why go to 10 or 20? the point is to rid the cancer that is mains. you might as well completely remove all mains, not keep 20 because some clans accept them. 

  4. brah i was at that fight, it wasn't 300v300 or even close to that lol. if you watch that video it doesn't even look like there's more people than any 100v100 fight at gdz in osrs/pre eoc. 


    and yeah any red vs blue event surpassed that fight. 


    legit 1v1 fights was prob mm vs eop which was 115v130. eop always reports the video for child porn every time I fix it so no vod of the fight exists until youtube accepts the newest appeal

  5. 41 minutes ago, Ofrran said:

    They need to re-think the anglerfish nerf for multi PvP areas. I get why they want to restrict safing in 1v1 situations (to encourage risk taking,  increase KOs, etc..) but multi is completely different. Anglers are one of the few things that actually assist in tanking in a game which sees constant and gradual powercreep. 

    anglers aren't changing in that regard. you can still eat up to 121 before a match starts. in multi you carry heavy brews anyway, you don't eat anglers at 99hp because you save them for when you need to combo. the meta for the past 8 years has always been to eat brews when ur 99hp, and rocktail/angler brew when you drop significant health. this doesn't affect multi. I could understand this notion if you brought 4 phx necks and 20 anglers, but brews are 2.1k each now, the cheapest health/gp and the most hp/inv slot.  there's no reason you wouldn't take them

  6. I mentioned it on the pure suggestion thread but it would be nice if there was an option to cap it at an equal opt fight. so if its 40v40, no other player in the CC who isn't in the fight can enter the battle once it goes down to 39 in a return fight. that way it truely is a 40v40 and not a 40v40 with 10 people waiting to join as soon as the opt falls

  7. how about basic clan wars updates?

    A no venom rule so we can use venom weapons in clan wars without venoming.

    An overload rule so we can have a different meta similar to pre eoc's. 

    A friendly fire rule so we can kill our own teammates. 

    A gear cap rule, set it to 1def/55def items only. 

    A returning rule, where if you die/leave CC, you can't enter the clan wars portal within X seconds like 30/60/90/120/150/180. they could make it like dmm where a timer pops up on your chatbox and it has to count down from 60 for you to enter if they think it's too hard to code properly. 

    A dangerous option + staking option for clan wars. If jagex is worried about "luring" with dangerous, make it so you have to set the ability to do dangerous clan wars like a bank pin. after 7 days, you can now enter dangerous clan wars. They were literally so close to adding the staking option which is why we have a delay on the 2nd screen of the clan wars menu.

    If dangerous option is added, make it so pked loot goes to a coffer where you can claim it after the match. Add it as a rule in case people don't like this for whatever reason


    Make it so worlds don't update instantly so world trackers don't work. 




  8. the f2p world would be dead most of the time so he has a point. but like others have said, it only needs to be wilderness only. that way the f2p world could be used by everyone for most things since wildy in f2p is dead content outside of clan pking. 

    Ask for a p2p world that is pures only. that would have 500-1000 people in at it all times. 

    ask for basic clan wars QOL. have a dangerous option, make it so you can't leave cc (some random events have it so you can access inventory, so it's possible to make it so you can't access clan chat), have a matched opt option, and have the option for the instance not to end once a clan has been cleared (So people can loot). 


    As someone who got 1->8 def 2005-2011, mainly through glitches, I am 100% for the world/wildy being limited to 1-5 def. 

  9. What is the biggest problem facing the pure community at the moment? Well if we ignore that the community won't vote anything related to pures into the game because of just prejudice, regardless of game balance, then that would have to be: 

    There are two glaring issues. Mains are the obvious one, but they aren't the biggest issue. Even in pre eoc, we had clans pulling half mains but the scene was alive and healthy. 

    The actual biggest issue is that every weekend trip is always a complete mess for numerous reasons. And because these trips mean nothing, the only reason to go to these trips is for the lulz which gets boring after awhile and most people cycle out. 

    Reasons weekend trips are a complete mess: 

    1) World trackers. World trackers single handedly kill any chance you ever have of a clean fight. Now that there are 30 f2p worlds, you could get a clean 1v1 fight if it wasn't for world trackers, minus spies. 

    2) Teleporting. Being robbed of a kill is not fun. 

    2) Throughout the years, Jagex have made returning even easier. 2004-2013, f2p fights were fuck as fuck. it wasn't just always mass return fights, that was for p2p. you would usually clear one team. that doesn't happen anymore because you can return in 30seconds. The removal of hop timer (34 seconds x2), more teleports, more bank options, spawning in edge, etc, have made returning way too fast. 

    3) The meta is just fucking stale. There's been no progress since 2012. Well there was a regress in 2013-2016, but we aren't ahead of where we were in 2012. 

    4) the mindset has shifted for the osrs community. It's about being efficient now. and sacrificing money every death to gain nothing is against that mentality. Many people make pures dreaming of hitting the big loot and becoming rich. Clan fights are the total opposite of that. 

    What suggestion do you have that could fix this said problem?

    Short term Solution is to make things fresh. The long term solution is to add QoL updates to clanning so clanning is more appealing. 

    What comes to mind instantly: 

    1. Make pking profitable for everyone. just like how skilling and pvm is profitable for everyone, regardless of how good you are. Things like loot keys (which auto go to your looting bag), spawning statues, unlocking more rewards in the bh shop or something like a bh shop could work

    2. We need the fucking clan chat. Seriously, nothing makes people not want to play more than not having a feature you previously enjoyed. Clan chat is important for 2 reasons. It's a lot easier to manage, and the clan hiscores were huge for competition. K/d for fights was an amazing update. If it were to come again, i'd make it so you could see how many kills were gained by X player in Y hours and how many deaths too. 

    3. Clan wars revamp. Switch up the meta, stick in overloads as an option. Clan wars was designed to one day have clan staking which is why we have that stupid delay on the 2nd screen. Add more options such as "no returning for 60/90/120/150/180seconds" so we can have return fights that end with a clan getting cleared. Add a dangerous option so we can pk a clan for their stuff and make loot just go to your bank. I'm from MM where we despised clan wars, and now I see the wilderness is just outdated. Crashing is still good fun but every single time it's just annoying. Add CC locks so more people can't join (so you could lock it to 40v40 of only the same 40 people). oddball and koth don't even function properly and it would take 5minutes to fix it (dropping oddball to your team / needing 51% more people to get hill time instead of simply having majority), not that I think they would ever be used, but more pvp options is never a bad thing. Add common gear cap rules for mains. A "pure only" world is good for community growth but it will only solve one problem and create another. IF pure clan A has 5 more than pure clan B with no mains, pure clan B simply won't enter that world. Clan wars revamp would solve the problem of world trackers for 1v1 fights, teleporting (as long as you can't leave CC), mains, and meta

    4. Run another Clan cup. The clan cup is a staple of the clan world and Jagex has just been in hiding for the past 3 years. 

    5. You can solve world trackers by just making worlds update population every 10minutes. 

    6. The pure community could use more advertising. Jagex is hosting an all star event which features pures so hopefully people can see how fun pures can be. A 1 defence only DMM for 1 season I feel like would also help, assuming every clan here actually participates and tries to win. another cool update would be if you could spectate clan wars in any world. say foe vs eop is in w5, but you hit "scry" in world 69, you could see that foe vs eop was happening in w5 and hop there to watch

    How should the unified council or committee decide on which suggestion to push for?

    The only possible way would be for slush puppy to be the dictator. A council of clan reps would never work. Clans only look out for themselves. People who aren't in clans can be bribed. A Council where people can discuss ideas would be fine, but slush would have the final say or can be overruled with 85% in favor (I laughed typing something this serious).


    P.s. pure worlds should be 1-9 defence. cleanse the cancer fully, not with a band aid. 



    also this forum being the toxic hub that it is doesn't help our problems either. but then we'll have a purewarfare vs pure community situation as soon as a few clans don't like how the site's censored. 



    if we push for clan chat, we can get it... 

    edit: if you could just reset your stats at will at an npc in lumby, BOOM, growth fucking explodes. pking fucking explodes. just make it so the items/abilities requiring certain quests hard req the quest reward xp level to use. (so veng would require 40 def to use). also solves the problems of pures getting hacked for def, getting def from a bug, or just messing up. 


  10. unless it's 1-9 def there's no point. 1-20/30/39 would just bring the same cancer we have now. Clans are saying members wouldn't retrain but thats just lies. When you see those lpcs and mpcs having fun every single weekend, you're going to cleanse your clan eventually. not like it's hard to "train" in nmz anyway.



    90 cmb cap would be okay... but it still has way too much potential for abuse. Obv 1-4 would be even better, but its only 1 cmb to go up to 9 def and you don't get any significant gear until 10 anyway. I just feel for the people who get 1->5 def with a 38x3 gmaul spec on def once.



    also to the reject about voice comms. lmao. It wasn't no voice that made them fun. it was because we were pre pubescent kids who got entertainment from cutting a tree; in comparison everything else would be loads more fun. Also i was using vent in 2006, people were using voice comms even before that even if you werent. It's more fun to talk to people

  11. so if MM had 10 leaks/spies in TLP, if they left at the beginning its 100v90. If I ddosed TLP callers it's now 100v84. in what world is that not a big deal. The difference is i can't ddos tlp's ts and callers for an hour straight ,and leaks/spies are better off just not going but at least they won't take up a slot out of 100. i can clearly see you were bottom of the barrel tlp scum if you don't even think of these things.



    and just lol at never crying at not fighting foe outside of cwa. there was lots of crying. way more crying in fact.



    All tlp had to do was say "yes, we will fight you in wildy" but they didn't. all tlp had to do was follow the rules the first time, but they didn't. Too much politics by TLP

  12. yeah lets just pretend that ddosing/leaks/spies weren't a thing in 2011.


    and oh no, i didn't remember the full out with foe from 5 years ago was from some PW league. It doesn't make what I said earlier not true except about the part with the break inbetween the fullouts - even though that is the case every single other time and you know it. TLP tried playing politics by bending the rules and MM played right back by countering to wildy. It's that simple.

  13. @@Makers of Mayhem





    Straight off the topic of where you beat FOE the week before. 


    There goes your excuses about only wanting to do them when they are rare and us only wanting one right after FOE and you fought


    What really happened is that TLP added 30 retired's/elder's which we didn't have on our memberlist at the time (so that it could actually be 100v100) and MM cried because MM would have been happier with an 100v80 (needing a +20) yet again showing that MM cared more about clan politics and supremacist attitudes than actually giving it's own members action.  


    You cry about the scene being dead now when MM was killing the scene by avoiding events with clans and set precedents. 

    can you stop flip flopping for one post please. I'm not denying MM had politics, but pretending like TLP is innocent is just hilarious.


    Dutch posts that tlp has 100 members, serbia from foe posts you had 115 before, so you didn't need 30 elders to hit 100v100. TLP's chances were there, the leaders just weren't competent enough to take them. you can try to spin the story however you want. I'm sure you believe what you're spouting. It doesn't stop the fact that the offer was there with X rules, then the next day it was there AGAIN with Y rules. You're complaining about how in wildy you have less rules but when tlp breaks the clan wars rules its okay.



    "tlp never declined action"






    holy fuck you're so blind.



    as for tlp hopsot, maybe tlp didn't call it that. but every1 else did.

  14. The foe vs mm fullout was june 25 2011 on saturday. TLP declared june 27th 2011 that monday. the declaration is on mm forums and the aftermath topic is too. there's also yt for the vid timestamp.


    Let me look up all the fullouts of TLP vs fi, foe, cp, eop, nme, epidemic. Oh wait there's less of all those than there are mm vs foe f2p fullouts. ur criticizing MM for doing what TLP and everyone else did all the time, you even flip flop on ur stance in ur own posts holy fuck.


    As for south east clan wars bit. mate. it's literally called tlp hopspot for a fucking reason. Do i need to post proof that cp hangs out at mossies?



    "does a fullout in the wildy make more sense than in clan wars?" I'm guessing this is rhetorical. ofc it makes more sense. Spies/leaks/ddosing matter way less in the wildy than in clan wars. Remember that Fi vs EOP fullout? FI dropped like 9 in 10seconds midfight. they still won but lmao.

  15. Not gonna bother going in depth like I did with Furious but the main thing that makes your clan weak is the fact you don't understand the point of the game


    "nothing to gain"


    Nothing to gain from giving your members 50v50 preps?  Nothing to gain from an 100v100 f2p fullout (on the declaration topic your own ranks said a fullout couldn't be in clan wars, thoughts on that?). 


    100v100 fullouts are FUN. Your ranks cared more about politics and as a result it gave the impression you guys were godly when in reality week in and week out MM had the LOWEST amount of action of the big 5-6 HPC's.



    Saying that there's no point in doing 100v100s is probably the stupidest thing ever.  Why wouldn't you want to test high opts f2p (especially considering MM was supposed to be the greatest f2p clan of all time) vs a p2p clan?  Sounds like an easy win for MM but your supremacist attitude that your clan gave cost your members more fun.  You frankly used 'wanting wildy' as an excuse because it was well documented that mains/other pure clans would crash it and ruin it in some way or another.  


    MM set the standard for clans avoiding fullouts/preps. 

    mm literally did a p2p fullout in wildy in 2012 vs foe and it wasn't even touched by a main. It even went on for 1hour, no crashing. tlp could have just declared for wildy. And nice. all that text wall and you bring up the most irrelevant part. It was there, ur leaders didn't accept, it was done. Nothing to discuss.


    edit: there were 2 p2p fullouts vs foe in 2012. One at gdz, one at vents. vents had 1hour no crashing. the one at gdz had like 15 mains in a 110MMv128Foe. shout out to i skype moms for skipping the fullout and killing an alt for 350 kills.


    You know why 100v100 fullouts are fun? cause they are rare. Yeah lets do them every week and waste a saturday even though we have 100v100 in the wildy every other week. 39 def and 95 prayer can carry any one to a fluke win in f2p. I'm still baffled foe never beat MM.


    You complain about politics but TLP is the clan that sat southeast clan wars waiting every single weekend, TLP is the clan that chose to declare at the time MM was least likely to accept aka right after a 100v100 with foe. 2011-2012 wasn't 1 moment, there was before and there was after. If TLP was all about fun they would have just did wildy. If TLP were really hungry, they would have just did wildy. I'm sorry m8, no logic can save tlp from this


    You say you care about matched opts then turn right around and say you don't care about the pct. You're clearly lost.

  16. little more on topic.


    Clans today suck. I've tagged along FOE, EOP, CP, zu, TLP trips and preps. And god bless, the quality is dog-brown sticky stuff. The warring meta and the "power level" of members rose every single year from 2007->2012. Yet every single year from 2012 we have only dropped as a whole. Theres like 5 people at best in every clan right now that would be an above average member of 2012 era. People flat out can't tank in either server (even with eat tricking making pizzas so OP in f2p), can't catch single piles in clumps, can't transition, autocast magic, can't prayer switch.


    Wilderness trips are even worse. Instant hop ruined f2p wars, addy ruined it even more, and a 1:2 main:pure ratio ruined it even more. p2p is plagued by world trackers, raggers, teleporting, literally camping safe zone (back in my day we just camped single) because of staminas + world trackers + instant hop. There were mains sniping fights in 2012, but for the most part clans wore good gear. Shout out to FI for having the best quality gear in 2012. The leaders may have been brain dead, but at least they all returned in mystic/fungal every single death. Now it's rare I see one person in mystic even though 20def is just as prevalent now then ever even though they can just tele out. Shout out to Adhi for never maging and never bringing any item worth over 80k. cbow and dds, every time.




  17. lol ignorance on both sides. The Supreme Pk Legend has come to set the record straight. Cant even be bothered to read all these cauliflower replies



    Where do I start?


    As for tlp being the best matched opts, that's baloney. I don't have the exact numbers but all I seem to recall is TLP losing all the important battles and winning all the irrelevant ones which continued into OSRS apparently. And at the very end before EOC came, it was MM winning all the important battles. I believe MM had either made it to the finals or won in every category before the biased EOP organizer kicked us out except 20v20s p2p losing to foe in a 2-1; was mad salty cause we were up 16-15 and we hit 3 0s on walli when he was 5hp (the 6 def avg handicap we always had) then lost.


    As for MM's matched record in important battles? Very postitive overall. MM finished positive vs every clan in dangerous matched CWA (you know, when something is actually on the line); Heck most of the time clans wouldn't even go to round 2 after losing the first.  MM kept Foe from ever winning a f2p 100v100 (like 7 or 9 of em?) though FOE kept us from winning p2p (like 2 or 3, the last being 2-1, north side won all 3 times). MM clutched every jagex cup. I saw the excuse "MM was pulling low at the time so they didn't accept" vs TLP. Yeah, I'm pretty sure before most of our fullouts we were pulling low but we always pulled 100+ to fullouts. Reason MM didn't accept a f2p vs TLP is that there was nothing to gain, TLP couldn't even beat FOE, and TLP wanted CWA, MM wanted wildy. There was also some cauliflower PW rule breaking drama on TLP. Mate, the #1 seed gets homecourt, it's just how it works. Oh, and google tells me TLP declared 2 days after MM just warred FOE in a 100v100.  I also saw someone say MM is 70s in msbs, well gratz to losing all the important battles to level 70s in MSB. Though maxed 50 atk is 78 combat so hardly even an insult lmao. OH reminds me. MM had a 6 def average and like a 62 prayer average. FI + TLP both had 20+ def averages with 77+ prayer averages and still lost in p2p. And f2p which is even worse lmao.

    MM's record vs TLP on TLP's site is 3-4. Well that's telling. Yeah we didn't fight FOE/TLP much, 13th had a thing about that. TLP/FOE were nipping at our heels, and prepping them could only hurt us.


    Then you have the wilderness. MM outpulled most clans, but it's not like MM had the best pull more than 50% of the time.  I could see the majority, but every weekend was different. Could be epidemic, eop, cp+ctrl, TLP, FOE, nme. Heck POP probably holds the majority/time-opened (lol). TLP had their moments in da wildy but so did eop lmao. It was usually FOE vs FI vs MM triangle in 2011-2012 for p2p. I didn't see TLP out on f2p (later p2p) friday?

    MM was the clan that beat EOP 100v115 and 110v130. MM was the clan that conquered the rise of Epidemic. MM was the clan that conquered the 2 week revival of CP, MM was the clan that conquered the rise of NME. Oh, and remember MM has a 6 def average (ended on like 8 def) and had the lowest prayer for all f2p fights, yet still won return fights vs addy, still cleared clans at return spots while they were in addy, whether MM was down, even or up opts.



    There's no denying TLP had the best p2p matched CWA record pre eoc. well whoopie-doo. Still weren't the best matched; fell short whenever it mattered. I organized a few (dont remember if it was tlp) but every1 always declined Dangerous CWA.


    People don't say FOE was the best p2p full out clan of all time, they say foe is the best p2p clan. People don't boast MM was the best F2P matched clan of all time, they boast MM was the best clan of all time, or best f2p. Keep clinging to that silly title. It's just a gimmick.

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