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Everything posted by Gary

  1. Brainwashed... there is littarly no point arguing with you, you are littarly being mind fucked by ur ranks. You are refusing to look at the facts...
  2. http://slaughter-rs.info/forum/8-member-applications-open/ Take a good look retard, most of our recruits are from 308, stop making excuses to why ur clan is horsebrown sticky stuff lfmao.
  3. Shoutout to all the pears

    1. I_R0BUST_I


      shoutout to spongebob for feeding u

  4. 85%? cool statistics bro! 85% of ur leaderboards consist of topics about us lmfao.
  5. "Starve slaughter bro" You are littarly obsssesed with us, and ur irrelevant to us, all you do is pull big and team with other brown sticky stuff clans. 1. We had 2 vp kids, that both decided to join -> you claim we bring vp to team.( this was about a month ago, and ur still using the same excuse lmfa000) Your a brown sticky stuffty masser clan, we pull less midweek, cause we don't mass up unlike you. Your counter declaration just shows how scared you are... Im gonna kill ur clan tomato.
  6. @@Niblet i will kill ur clan if u don't watch ur tongue kid
  7. You seem really desperate for a win, i guess thats what ur clan needs to stay alive... Don't try to start brown sticky stuff u can't finish. Gl this weekend.
  8. http://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/topic/13712-slaughter-declares-on-rage/
  9. If the cancerous "mpc scene" can just close or move up then we have a deal.
  10. Ethugs lmfaoooooo. stfu retards.
  11. It was supposed to be a troll, cuz i obv didn't block them out properly..... jeez
  12. Seen alot of people in wild over 60 cb, most preps seems to be 60 cb- . The new cock clan seems to be going for 45-65 cb cap When will the cb cap change? Should it change? Should we really have such a strict combat cap system concidering xlpc is based of being masser clans in 308? All the proof i was bothred to find, if ur in a xlpc urself, you know where im comming from. I CARE, I DON'T WANT YOU SNIPING MY LEVEL 45 OKAY. Massacre ml
  13. Once you opend someone said slaughter is the best xlpc, you responded and so the beef started. your all fucking losers, kys.
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