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Fear The Beard

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Posts posted by Fear The Beard

  1. 9 hours ago, Danny Phantom said:


    You finished what I started. You used the same ranks that I got promoted. I left because one of them to help make things go smoothly didn't get High Council. He got the rank 7 days after I quit due to the fact you went from pulling 70-75 to mid 30s.

    I didn't return after that. I joined EoP as an OLD SCHOOL Member because Solo convinced me the clan has returned to the state I had it in. He was right for the most part, but he literally quit within a week of me posting my application, which then forced debb to continue to lead and he did not want to lead and was planning to step down. Jack, who was very very inexperienced at leading a clan promoted Lalo, the same Lalo who strong armed us in August/September to give him Leader because he knew that if we were to lose him, we would lose 15-20 of his members that came from his xLPC. This would have been dire for our rivalry with FO leading up to our 12th year anniversary, we would have gone from fighting you with these opts:

    To fighting you down 15-20, and we would have been fucked. That guy took Leader, asked debb to lead trips, debb was a fantastic event leader and I'd never need to open my mouth with him leading a trip. He let Lalo lead, lalo got us fully cleared by you back to back to back to back due to his intelligence level being extremely low. He then quit the clan as a leader 24 hours after our 13 year anniversary and applied to your clan.

    I offered to help lead EoP and bring them back to compete with you, but Jack ignored me whilst the entire rank team tried to peer pressure him into giving me it, he refused and that is when I quit the game. He then gave DULL leader from banned because DULL raised him I guess? He and several others deeply regretted not giving me Leader after they closed.

    Don't you dare try to discredit what I did for your clan, I am the biggest reason you were able to fight them back, I motivated the memberbase, I motivated the core, I made everyone have a reason to login and fight the good fight. I thought of many ideas and executed them beautifully alongside Adhi and made them feel like utter shit. I even still have their audio I believe for when we did this to them:




    Plenty of other things as you already know pal, just the most notable trips we had before I left in a clean setting.

    doubt a single person read this lmao stop typing essays on sharkbrew u weird kid 

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