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Wilderness Ditch

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Everything posted by Wilderness Ditch

  1. I would only allow certain TLP members in FOE. Some of their quality is terrible. They don't get better but they are told they are by their brown sticky stuff leadership and believe it. Feel free to apply for FOE, if you've had enough of brown sticky stuff topics and ranks who have no clue what there doing. Also enjoy having that fucktsrd M3rkzzzz in your clan l0l.
  2. TLP full out us again in P2P next year. You can pull 100 so can we l. We will even let you have a 30 defence cap. We will destroy you again. Let me highlight some recent TLP hype failures Our 65 v 65 where you changed your names to smoooo00ked and got wrecked 3-0 might I add. Getting kicked out of the Jagex Cup by us infront of the RS Community. And even after moaning to the J mods about getting it changed to 30 defence cap. Cya in 2016.
  3. LOL TLP come on guys. We kicked everyone out of the wilderness today. We didn't end until everyone had called it a day. SV were the second to last clan out, you ended before them LOL
  4. Are you a fucking mong? Can you not read? YOU sat at graves, not us its single. We were at 18 portals what is multi. #SVRetard
  5. No clan and I mean NO clan can match us in the pure community in P2P. Name a clan that can and ill await their full out request.
  6. Hey TLP/SV Come at us in 2016 and we will steam roll you like always Stay ez
  7. Sv Are mad as fuck because I'm destroying them on their own topic. Stay brown sticky stuff, brown sticky stuff clan. Mains can't save you in 18 wild.
  8. FOE destroyed you today even when you use JaJa. You sat at graves and we spread out and you guys potted thinking we were gonna rush you LOL #GWAS
  9. Sv sat at graves with apparently 100 people but wouldn't rush us at 18 portals because JaJa couldn't attack most of us! Wait til our topics out tomatos
  10. Biggest fucking mongs in the pure scene. You didn't even put a dent in FOE today. You got smashed so many times, you even got JajA to rush us before you attacked us before you ended! Kyp bundle of twigsgot's
  11. Are you forgetting at one point you were up 7? Also your 30 defence and its not a huge difference but does offer a little bonus in P2P. You let it slip, so technically you got dicked and some members let your clan down. Quality always shines through!
  12. Remember when we recently bent you over and fucking destroyed you in the Jagex cup? Or you now going to claim that is irrelevant and you weren't even trying? And when we smashed you in the 65 v 65 after you changed your names to smoooo00ked and 3-0'd you? Your brown sticky stuff at P2P and tonight your getting shafted!
  13. Your the broccolied one. Stop talking to your superior bundle of twigsgot.
  14. Someone's obviously mad because there not gonna win the Jagex cup.
  15. You made topics on your forums about how FOE broke your clan. Tomorrow your getting fucked over! Call AF if you want we will still prove how irrelevant your clan is. I'm not mad, you think you have a chance against FOE. We are the best pure clan regardless of the brown sticky stuff on a site controlled by mainly TLP. Stay broken because we are coming to break you even more!
  16. If SV want to come on this thread claiming they are the best, like TLP has claimed to be the best in P2P(Proven wrong a few days ago) then declare a fullout on TLP or are you fucking pussys. I hate SV more than TLP and that's saying something.
  17. Shut the fuck up Bob Ross attendance taking RSPS clan cunt. Your brown sticky stuff and your clans brown sticky stuff. Know your place bundle of twigs. And I'm working til the 23rd some of us have jobs unlike you, ya brown sticky stuff cunt
  18. Kings of F2P became FOE kicked you out of P2P, why would you want to be a F2P clan? Might aswell cancel your member ship and I saw your topic about our pull. You do realise we have ALOT of members who have gone to see family for Christmas etc so stay ez bundle of twigsgots your times coming next year
  19. FI ranks are fucking broccolied
  20. I wanna say gg TLP for copying your superiors but hey merry Christmas
  21. Come at us then BRAH! Bring your brown sticky stuff CLAN with your brown sticky stuff MEMBERS on brown sticky stuff MAINS! Most of the mains you bring wear welfare gear and get fucking wrecked by pures! If FOE really wanted to cleanse the wilderness of your cancer every trip we have one phone number to call, but we don't need as you can not even give us a decent fight and we clear your lvl 70s and brown sticky stuff mains all day everyday! Stay Ez SV CHAT brown sticky stuff GET BANGED, Cya Tonight and Sunday SV.
  22. Did you even attend your Sunday trip lol? KYP bitches!
  23. Most Hated? Yeh your most hated because you bring mains to compete and you still fail at that. SV is brown sticky stuff and gets cleared by clans like CP. Thats when you know you suck in P2P. Most Active? Not really active seeming you have to get people to sign up to even come to your trips! You got cleared on sunday by the #1 Clan in the pure community. Why aren't you prepping the top tier clans, lower tier clan SV? Scared youll get rekt? See you this weekend bundle of twigsgots!
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