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Posts posted by Bonesaw

  1. Lmfao you're in EOP you rat go sit and lick your wounds bundle of twigsgot

    Some karmic satisfaction, perhaps.


    What do you get by making these inaccurate topics? Moral victory? Justification to show up and camp us on your main? 

  2. "Never cheat, never lie"


    mfw fo has a known scammer/hacker as member


    [00:48] <@tRUE_WHiP> gl finding borzor at a trip

    [00:48] <@tRUE_WHiP> l0l

    Because he's not active you mongoloid. I had to ban you from IRC for spewing your unsubstantiated bullbrown sticky stuff. 

    I told you there and I'll tell you here, get me any evidence that FOE members were involved and I will boot them. That being said, we've had 3 members hacked in the last week, and you're painting us as the perpetrators. It's pathetic. It's propaganda. 



    (14:16:36) <[EoP]Naaldo> why dont u gimme borzor 07 name

    (14:16:40) <[EoP]Naaldo> u bundle of twigsgot pussy bitch ass nigga

    (14:16:42) <[EoP]Naaldo> stop hiding him


    (14:17:02) <@tRUE_WHiP> you honestly think FOE hacked you and took credit for it
    (14:17:04) <@tRUE_WHiP> how cauliflower are you
    (14:17:04) <@tRUE_WHiP> honestly
    (14:17:26) <@[Foe]Zack> [EoP]Naaldo:
    (14:17:29) <@[Foe]Zack> dont trust the people around you
    (14:17:30) <[EoP]Dazzled> luke
    (14:17:31) <@[Foe]Zack> ;)
    (14:17:34) <@tRUE_WHiP> if I hacked your addy daddy fuck account I would put a TLP cape on it, and say "TLPWINSAGAIN"



    (14:19:02) <@tRUE_WHiP> !kb [EoP]Naaldo PM me with evidence and I will boot anyone responsible. Until then keep our propaganda out.
    (14:19:02) * Captain_Falcon set mode: +b *!*@1874289A:D38BB2F0:FA4B3F29:IP
    (14:19:02) * [EoP]Naaldo was kicked by Captain_Falcon (PM me with evidence and I will boot anyone responsible. Until then keep our propaganda out.)
    For anyone who gives a brown sticky stuff about the real story:

    3 FOE members and 1 EoP members were hacked, most likely, to an unaffiliated member of the pure community with ties to Control. This EOP moron thinks FOE would hack his account, and change his RSN and leave a team-30 cape, to take credit for hacking him. 



    Why would we claim a hacking? If FOE had hacked you, we would obviously not take the blame. We would leave it anonymous or blame another clan.

    Why would we hack it for defense? Now we have to deal with another 90 def main at weekends instead of a 30 def main.
    As I said, get me some evidence FOE was involved and I'll boot the members, simple as that. Until then, shut the fuck up and pipe down, you were going main anyways according to Dazzled. 
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