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Everything posted by Luckz

  1. TOO FUCKING EZ. POP asking Rage (huge mistake) to help them, LOL. At least ask Envy again they at least "helped" rage was just more 1 bangs
  2. You're an XLPC clan but your mini squad is 70+ CB's I'm confused? 28 vs. 43 STAY EZ
  3. Too bad there you're vidder didn't have a cap counter to realize the uneven opts.
  4. LMAO completely ignored my statement on 65 CB Cap?? I'm taking that as a deny to a mini
  5. Don't be mad about how we return.. At least our members know how to
  6. Lol make it 65 CB Cap. Good thing you didn't v.s us in that "30-0" streak ya'll had..
  7. Tell your leader to set it up..And if even opts or even a +5 for ya'll, ya'll wouldn't stand a chance with yalls unorganization
  8. Please Mini us, Prep us, whatever, and we will show you who the "Joke" is.
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