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Status Replies posted by Demais

  1. If two broccolied sub-bar teams decide to start the era of "lpc p2p clanwars" then the bracket is no longer LPC, but it's MPC, and nobody likes that so shut the fuck up because i'm 12

  2. Current Clients:77 / 100 cd very alive

  3. @Daddy Dave @Bowsz @Alex` @Pun took 1 month to u catch me lmfao. Btw I'm dynamic retards so keep trying to fry my router you retards. Expect 5 more leaks in you in the next 5 weeks.

  4. 25 rockmen today good luck ragvictlympus

  5. last time i offed it involved monies

  6. last time i offed it involved monies

  7. last time i offed it involved monies

  8. Got some good wet dome under the thanksgiving dinner table after getting home from my $750k/yr job. Was a nice lickey lickey but realized it was my dog 'Tank' looking for scraps. Felt good and still cummed! Fuck it!

  9. Fearless have won 17 out of their last 20 preps. I believe it's safe to say that FS has the best quality. Join @ www.fearless-rs.com, (IV have won 3 out of their last 16 and they cancelled this weekend's trip!)

  10. Fearless have won 17 out of their last 20 preps. I believe it's safe to say that FS has the best quality. Join @ www.fearless-rs.com, (IV have won 3 out of their last 16)

  11. That moment @Alex` gets bullied by the potato masherboy @iCalx.

  12. Wow, eop has lost 9 consecutive preps vs FOE and still claims to be good.

  13. lmfao foc fuckin smoked x3 lmao?

  14. [Foe]Markos crashed me at crabs last night, I set up my bot about an hour later, just checked it 10 hours later and he is still here LOL, he's on a maxed account so not even getting xp, someone needs to reassess their life.

  15. FOE has won 33 out of their last 35 preps. I believe it's safe to say that FOE has the best quality. Join @ www.foe-rs.com

  16. FOE has won 32 out of their last 34 preps. I believe it's safe to say that FOE has the best quality. Join @ www.foe-rs.com

  17. lmfao 2017 expect us

  18. https://gyazo.com/86de079388bea112a21602630e6cb696 cp declare and never show up, i believe i can safely say that cp is just as broken as the new tlp remake
  19. FOE has won 31 out of their last 33 preps. I believe it's safe to say that FOE has the best quality. Join @ www.foe-rs.com

  20. FOE ends up on top as usual. "unbreakable" is definitely broken. Join the #1 pure clan @ http://www.foe-rs.com

  21. Join FOE #1 Pure Clan @ www.foe-rs.com

  22. Join FOE #1 Pure Clan @ www.foe-rs.com

  23. eop has lost 9 consecutive preps vs FOE. Feels good to be in the #1 F2P & P2P pure clan.

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