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Everything posted by Stewbert

  1. hahahahhahahahahahahhahaha your both kids with higher pitched voices... exzrts still in high school for christ sake
  2. Its a troll name my irl name is Jordan.. ur like the 3rd kid to say that comment this week jeez
  3. I like how kids clans get closed so they join eop and get big heads... very small pp's

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Stewbert


      l0l if the shoes fits dont be mad

    3. Stewbert


      @exzrts u finally get ur license

    4. exzrts


      Always had my license @Stewbert lmfao.

  4. naldo ur mic no work? I never heard u call b4... maybe thats why your country clan was garbage..
  5. all u do is sit at home and smoke pot in ur room go outside....
  6. its too obv u trying to get a promo in cd or something.. TBR told me your useless so stop trying
  7. It was funny having exzrts make fun of your voice warbow when that kid sounds like a rat
  8. gz ob but off aysix broxx.. his dad lalo might come get u
  9. remember when eop kids said who the fuck cares about xlpc and now yall have ur 3 inches of cock fully in it... eat your socks kid its xlpc it doesnt matter remember
  10. exzrts i still have love for u just no love for reborn or alex
  11. Jk but I was looking for their legacy statue but me no find
  12. u all over sb all the time writing paragraphs... are u that 4n?
  13. I would compare these virgin fearless kids to a kid who left his girlfriend because he thought he was better than her but still continued to talk brown sticky stuff about her after... which means you still care about us molds.. so stop the pointless banter? You want us to pull 70? We never pulled 70 when you fearless kids were in this clan... which means you get ur pull from eop which is cool and I'm not mad about it. btw aysix and reborn suck off lalo and thats potato masher as aids... I think lalo is cool and all but I can't believe two grown men can idolize someone over a paint game.. reborn and aysix got bullied into fs from the beatings they got in vanquish and dont know what to do without daddy lalo
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